About Tie Out Cable for Dogs
- Tie out cables for dogs are made from a material that is strong and weatherproof. The best ones are made out of strong nylon cord or thick wire material. The material should be strong enough so that a large dog cannot break it, but also needs to be pliable so that when the dog runs in circles, he does not reach a point where the cable snaps or will not turn with him.
- Tie out cables should be attached firmly to a place where they can be secure. Sometimes, they are driven into the ground by a mechanism similar to a tent pole. These are the most secure because the dog can run around the area where it is in the ground and will not be able to yank it out. Tie out cables can also be connected to something secure, such as a deck or front porch of a home.
- Your dog should be attached to a tie out cable securely, but you should never have your dog attached to a tie out cable with a choke collar. Make sure that he is securely fastened to the tie out cable with a regular collar and fastener.
- When your dog is on a tie out cable, he will eventually wear down the ground around the cable. Therefore, consider moving the cable around every few days if possible. This will help maintain your yard and keep it looking nice.
- Never leave your dog on a tie out cable unsupervised. Dogs should not be left on tie out cables while you go out of town or overnight. The tie out cable is meant to be a place where a dog can get exercise and spend time outside, but it should not be a substitute for a dog house or for a bed inside your home.