How to Obtain the Dark Knight in Mabinogi
- 1). Complete the "Generation 3" mainstream quest, and an owl will bring you the "Tarlach's Request" mission. Go to the Ciar Dungeon and enter using the pass the owl gave you, and battle your way through the dungeon -- it has three floors and features Goblins, Metal Skeletons, a Golem, Blue Rat Men and Burgundy Sickle Laghodessas. At the end of the dungeon is a treasure chest -- open it to get the Dark Knight Armor.
- 2). Take the Dark Knight Armor back to Tarlach in Sidhe Sneachta. He will give you the Dark Knight's Body Armor and a keyword, and you will start another quest. Go talk to Piaras at the Inn in Tir Chonaill, then to Goro in Alby Arena, to get the Dark Knight's Boots. Goro will direct you to Seumas at Gairech's Dragon Ruins, and another new quest will start.
- 3). Talk to Seumas and then go to Dunbarton and talk to Stewart. He will send you to talk to Lassar. Take three Mana Herbs, which are found in most dungeons, to Lassar to get the Dark Knight's Helmet. This completes the helmet quest. Go to Rabbie Dungeon and kill the Black Succubus there -- she will drop a Priest's Black Medal. Take the medal back to Dunbarton and give it to Kristell.
- 4). Bring Kristell a "Tear of Spirit" item, which you can obtain from other players or by conversing with a Spirit Weapon. She will give you the Dark Knight's Shoulder Pad and an Albey Dungeon Pass. Head to Albey Dungeon in the "Another World" area and use the Pass to get inside. The dungeon has three floors, and the boss is a trio of Light Gargoyles. You will get the Dark Knight's Gloves.
- 5). Watch the cut-scene at the end of the dungeon where a Black Wizard shows up and assembles the armor pieces into the Armor of Darkness. He will give you the Dark Knight Amulet and return you to Tir Chonaill.
- 6). Use the Dark Knight Amulet to get into Barri Dungeon, and complete the "RP" quest there. This quest basically teaches you how to use the Dark Knight skills in a three-floor dungeon containing Ogre Warriors.
- 7). Go back to the "Another World" area and talk to Douglas about the Black Wizard. He will give you an Albey Dungeon Pass. There are only two rooms in the dungeon, and they are empty, so pass through and find the Black Wizard waiting for you at the end. Speak to him and he will ask if you are ready to become a Dark Knight -- answer yes and the transformation will begin.