Hire a Limousine for Christmas Parties and Events
Limousine Company
It is good to do a homework before booking with a particular limousine company. Giving them each a call and inquiring about their services and any extras that they offer to make the experience even more magical. Also, any packages and specials should be inquired about.
Event Deatails
Getting all the details together like the date, time the event starts and ends, type of the event as it may help in asking for a particular type of limousine, the pick up address (central pick up or individual pick ups) is very important so as to communicate with the company.
Number of People
Before booking it is best to contact all the people who would be willing to come, so that an estimate on how many should be fit in a limousine can be planned. This will help in deciding and booking a particular size of the limousine.
Deciding the Vechile
Once the number of people and the occasion or the event for which the limousine is decided, then the type of limousine needed can be decided. The choice can be made from an eight to eighteen seats limousines or if the occasion warrants for a much bigger one than sixteen to fifty seater buses can be booked.
It is better to inquire about music before booking so as to create an atmosphere before the event is started. Most limousine company's allows the clients to bring their music.
When booked for a party bus or limousine most company's give a complimentary wine bottle, but it should be made sure that whether bringing own alcohol is permitted.
Extra Fees, Cancellation and Tipping
Enquiring about any extra fees they may charge when in some instance, if the occasion ends later than for the time booked is important. It is important to inquire about the cancellation charges as some companies may not return back the deposit amount when canceled later. When inquiring about the price, it is important to ask about tipping too.
Early Booking
Bookings should be done earlier, once decided on the occasion and a vehicle, as one may not get the particular type of vehicle needed to suit the needs for that particular date if booked late.
Call to Cionfirm
If bookings are done early it is wise to call up the company few days earlier the booking date, so that everything is as per planned. It is also better yo call a few hours just before the time for pick up and booked for occasions like wedding so that everything goes smoothly. But most often this may not be necessary as the limos will be always waiting and ready to pick up.
Compare Prices
As limousine rental is competitive business it is better to shop around and inquire in more than one company for prices, so that the best price with maximum benefits can be zeroed in.