Cheap London Hotel Rooms - A Holy Grail?
When looking for cheap hotels in central London, you could be forgiven for thinking that it is an impossible task. When you look around at all the hotels there are to choose from, the prices seem way out of most people's budgets, even for a special treat.
Most hotels in central London are at least 4 stars and this is also reflected in the budget. The average cost of a hotel room in central London is around • 130-150 per night - almost double that of the rest of the United Kingdom. This makes the challenge of finding cheap hotels in central London almost impossible.
However, we should stop to consider what constitutes 'cheap'. Cheap in terms of hotel room prices can be considered equivalent to the price of an opera ticket, the price of a long train journey ticket, the cost of a present to a loved one, perhaps, but is that cheap for London?
London is notoriously expensive when it comes to staying overnight. Research over recent years has highlighted this fact. London has ever since the housing boom in the last few decades become a law unto itself and prices do no longer reflect the costs associated with facilities such as hotel rooms elsewhere.
So where does this leave you when you are looking for a hotel room for the evening? You think about how much the price for a stay can be and then you will shudder to think about how much two or three nights that you really wanted to stay for will end up costing you. This is why it is so essential to find cheap hotels in central London. If you cannot find one that is cheap, then you probably may not be able to afford to visit the capital, so your quest is a vitally important one. So how do most people do it? How do they find the cheapest prices?
Some people boast and brag about the deals that they have found, but it never seems possible when you find the cheapest rooms are at least double the price your friend paid. They seem vague when you ask them what website they used to find the cheap hotels in central London that they stayed in, but they always seem to forget what they were called, or you cannot find them online when you start to do some research. This makes you feel slightly unsure as to whether they did really get the deal they said they got, or whether it was just a bit of wishful thinking. Maybe they dreamt it after all! Well, it may seem unlikely, but they may have been right all along - cheap hotels in central London are a real thing. They are just not seen by the crowds looking at the major chains only.
Finding cheap hotels in London, England [] is as easy as searching online for the best and cheapest in London and deciding not to go with those expensive, over-priced hotel chains - some of those don't even offer free Wi-Fi!