Pink Dog Beds - The Keys to Understanding Your Emotional Reaction
A pink dog bed is so much more than a dog bed of a particular color.
Here is a simple experiment you can try to verify that.
Cut out a couple of small dog bed pictures from a magazine or print them out from the web.
You need one representing a pink dog bed and another one with a blue or green puppy bed.
Next, show your pictures to a couple of your friends (let's call them Bob and Anna) and ask them what they think of them.
We are not actually interested in the actual content of their answer but rather their emotional reaction and how they express it through their body language.
Your question is simply a way to get them to start the nonverbal communication process.
Whether it is a female or male friend, you will notice that they both have stronger emotional reactions towards the pink dog bed than the other one.
Obviously, it is highly possible that Bob (your male friend) will have a rather negative reaction when presented with the pink puppy bed picture but that is not the point here.
For once, all we are after is quantity (versus quality).
Now you may wonder: "Why is a pink dog bed such a powerful emotional vehicle?" In other words, why does a pink dog bed generate such a powerful reaction compared to a blue one for instance? They both are colored dog beds after all.
The answer to that question lies in two very different areas.
The first one is physiology.
The way our brain is wired produces different physiological reactions when we look at different colors.
For instance, a bedroom with red walls will probably enhance your desire but will certainly have a negative impact on your sleep.
That is why a lot of people recommend natural earthy tones for a bedroom.
Therefore, by its very nature, a pink dog bed carries a different emotional message than a blue one.
Different colors, different reactions.
However, "different" does not explain why it is most of the time of greater magnitude.
For that, we need to take social aspects into account.
In the recent years, the color pink has become a lot more than the favorite color of little girls.
It is now the symbol of a new generation of young female adults, which often share a passion for pets; small dogs being their favorite companion.
Small dogs are often considered "cute" and "adorable" which also happens to be the meaning our society associated with the color pink.
So bringing those together, we can easily understand why pink dog beds became so popular.
It also makes us understand why most people will have a stronger reaction in front of pink dog beds.
This is not so much the bed itself originating it but the social meaning that pink dog beds carries in most people minds, in terms of the people they represent.
Here is a simple experiment you can try to verify that.
Cut out a couple of small dog bed pictures from a magazine or print them out from the web.
You need one representing a pink dog bed and another one with a blue or green puppy bed.
Next, show your pictures to a couple of your friends (let's call them Bob and Anna) and ask them what they think of them.
We are not actually interested in the actual content of their answer but rather their emotional reaction and how they express it through their body language.
Your question is simply a way to get them to start the nonverbal communication process.
Whether it is a female or male friend, you will notice that they both have stronger emotional reactions towards the pink dog bed than the other one.
Obviously, it is highly possible that Bob (your male friend) will have a rather negative reaction when presented with the pink puppy bed picture but that is not the point here.
For once, all we are after is quantity (versus quality).
Now you may wonder: "Why is a pink dog bed such a powerful emotional vehicle?" In other words, why does a pink dog bed generate such a powerful reaction compared to a blue one for instance? They both are colored dog beds after all.
The answer to that question lies in two very different areas.
The first one is physiology.
The way our brain is wired produces different physiological reactions when we look at different colors.
For instance, a bedroom with red walls will probably enhance your desire but will certainly have a negative impact on your sleep.
That is why a lot of people recommend natural earthy tones for a bedroom.
Therefore, by its very nature, a pink dog bed carries a different emotional message than a blue one.
Different colors, different reactions.
However, "different" does not explain why it is most of the time of greater magnitude.
For that, we need to take social aspects into account.
In the recent years, the color pink has become a lot more than the favorite color of little girls.
It is now the symbol of a new generation of young female adults, which often share a passion for pets; small dogs being their favorite companion.
Small dogs are often considered "cute" and "adorable" which also happens to be the meaning our society associated with the color pink.
So bringing those together, we can easily understand why pink dog beds became so popular.
It also makes us understand why most people will have a stronger reaction in front of pink dog beds.
This is not so much the bed itself originating it but the social meaning that pink dog beds carries in most people minds, in terms of the people they represent.