Displaced - And Making a Come Back As an Entrepreneur

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Displaced - Yep, that means Fired Like so many of my fellow Americans...
I have been displaced.
What a nice word, and it sounds so much better than fired, doesn't it? OK, so I am 51 years old, female and I have a very nasty habit...
I have grown accustomed to eating.
It is hard to get a job at any age right now with so many companies downsizing...
another pleasant sounding word.
So what to do? I don't know, but I have been toying with some ideas.
People are still buying - How Do I Sell? I know that today people are cutting back on their spending, but they do still need services.
I have an idea about a service based business, but I have no idea how to go about bringing it to fruition.
So I have been researching on the internet.
There are only one or two websites that really teach kids how to run and start a business.
There are websites that show kids how to be entrepreneurs.
I figured if a kid aged 7 to 19 can do it why can't a 51 year old woman do it? The Unintentional Entrepreneur There is a phenomena occurring right now.
We are about a year and half into what's being called The Great Recession.
People in the US just will not give up.
Some of them got fired and many of them have now started their own business.
These are small businesses, many of them just one or two people, but they're out there trying and succeeding.
They've been call accidental entrepreneurs, unintentional entrepreneurs or forced entrepreneurs, it really doesn't matter.
What does matter is that most of them never got any education or training in how to start and run a business.
Most people think they'll learn this type of thing later in life, that's a big mistake.
One of the most important places people can go to get really go information about starting a business is the Kauffman Foundation, they are dedicated to entrepreneurship and education.
They have a section for Youth Entrepreneurship and it's really helpful.
They say that a kid's curiosity, natural creativity, willingness to take risks and their exuberant enthusiasm are the things that the greatest entrepreneurs possess.
Kids just need some guidance, training and education to be successful entrepreneurs.
You Might Be One of the Thousands of Us It seems like I am not the only adult with this predicament.
I've talked on the phone to many of my friends.
One person told me that a she's spoken to an entrepreneur who is a gentleman 62 years old who lives on the east coast.
An Entrepreneurs Instruction Book? I got a books and some educational material about how to start a business a be an entrepreneur.
I was amazed that this type of educational information is not taught in elementary school.
I am in the process of starting my business with the new skill sets I have acquired, and I am not the least bit ashamed to say that I am doing this at my age and I'm excited! My one bit of advice for all you parents out there is to check this out and start preparing your children for the future now.
Kids in business is not a new concept.
You will be doing them a huge favor, and you will be giving them a huge advantage in real life.
Too bad I did not acquire my new skills at an early age then, perhaps, I would not have been displaced because I would have been my own boss.
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