Kentucky Grants for Low Income Students
- Kentucky's College Access Program (CAP) provides grants to undergraduate students with financial need. Students may use the grants at public or private universities and technical colleges to pay for academic programs requiring two or more years to complete. Students must be residents of Kentucky and enrolled for a minimum of six credit hours at an eligible school. Applicants must submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, and the expected family contribution (EFC) shown on the FAFSA must be $5,273 or less. The maximum grant is $1,900 for the 2011-12 school year. The CAP grant has a cumulative limit; students pursuing a two-year degree can receive no more than 2.5 time the yearly award, and those pursuing a four-year degree can receive no more than 4.5 times the yearly award. Awards are given in order of application until funding for the year is exhausted.
- The Kentucky Tuition Grant (KTG) awards funds to financially needy residents attending any of the state's accredited independent colleges other than one that offers religious instruction only. To qualify, a student must be an undergraduate, enrolled full-time, pursuing a two or four-year degree and not be in default on any Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority or Title IV debt. The only correspondence or online courses that are acceptable are those offered by the Kentucky Virtual Campus. Aggregate limits apply to the grants. During the course of his college career, a student can receive no more than 250 percent of his annual award for a two-year degree or 450 percent for a four-year degree. The grants for 2011-12 range between $200 and $2,964. The FAFSA is also the application for KTG awards.
- The Go Higher Grant program is for those who are 24 or older and who need financial assistance. The program allows students to take just one or two classes per semester. Grants cover tuition and include $50 per credit hour as an allowance for books. The maximum grant is $1,000 to cover one school year. In addition to the age and financial need requirements, applicants must also be residents of Kentucky and a citizen of the U.S. or a national or permanent resident. Applicants must complete a FAFSA and an application for the Go Higher Grant, which is available at the KHEAA website or through a participating school's financial aid office.
- Every student Berea College accepts receives a four-year tuition award that he can use with other scholarships or grants to cover tuition and fees in full. If the student requires additional financial aid, the college may be able to cover the costs of room and board also. Based on the student's FAFSA, he will pay what he can afford for these additional costs, and Berea promises to cover the balance through scholarships and financial aid.
College Access Program
Kentucky Tuition Grant
Go Higher Grant
Berea College