How to Make Your Sim Cry
- 1). Isolate your Sim by preventing all contact with other Sims. This is most easily done by having your Sim live alone and disallowing him from leaving the house or answering the phone.
- 2). Click on "Options" and un-check the "Free Will" option. This will prevent your Sims from making any actions without your command. Lonely Sims will automatically seek social interaction if they are allowed to have free will.
- 3). Wait until your Sim's Social meter becomes approximately one-fourth of its max value. Your Sim will automatically start crying and making gestures about being lonely.
- 1). Make your Sim fall in love with another playable Sim by interacting with them until the "Flirt" option becomes available. The "Flirt" option becomes available after Sims have interacted in more formal ways such as talking. Select "Flirt" to make your Sim fall in love with the Sim he flirted with.
- 2). Have the Sim your original Sim is in love with begin interacting with a different Sim in front of the original Sim.
- 3). Select from the options "Hug," "Dance," "Flirt," or "Give Back Rub" once they become available. The original Sim will become jealous and confront the Sim who is getting attention by slapping or yelling at him. He will then cry and his Social meter will decrease considerably.
Hurt Feelings/Jealousy