The "spoiler" at the card trick show!
If the card trick man has to have a special mind set to perform his card trick magic, the card trick audience too, needs to have its own special mind set for appreciating card tricks. The card trick audience needs to gather together at a card trick show with a desire to be entertained. They should be willing to let the card trick man perform his card tricks with an expectation of being astounded, confounded, stunned, and flummoxed.
All too often, one comes across a person in the crowd around a card trick man, who is out to deride the proceedings in the card trick show and spoil the show or expose the magic that a card trick man may perform. This is a common situation that needs to be handled, when the card tricks are being performed before a closed group at a party or family gathering. It is less common in a crowd that gathers at the theater where the card trick is being performed. How does the card trick man handle such a hostile person?
The card trick man should first be aware of the possibility of encountering such a hostile spectator at every one of his card trick shows. He must be mentally ready for this Spoiler at a card trick show. This card trick 'spoiler' is egoistic and wants to prove his superiority over the card trick audience and the card trick man. He is there with the specific intent of proving the card trick man a fraud, a trickster and someone who is taking everyone for a ride! He is powerfully motivated and completely arrogant. He does not even begin to appreciate the fact that he is spoiling the card trick show for the rest of the audience.
It is easy to recognize this person as he begins his derisive patter as soon as the card trick show begins. He whispers to his neighbors and looks at the card trick man with suspicion in his eye. He will be intently watching every move of the card trick man with the sole purpose on pouncing on him at the right time. On entering the room where you propose to perform the card tricks, do a quick survey of the audience. If you see a possible "spoiler" in the audience for your card trick show, try to stand a little away from him and also mentally get ready to tackle a card trick audience whose suspicions are likely to be fanned by the card trick spoiler.
As you get ready with your card trick masterpiece and gradually build up the card trick patter, you will find this person edging his way to stand as close to you as possible. When you actually begin the card trick, you will find him saying derisive things about your card tricks as loudly as possible and even giving a commentary on what you are doing to trick them at the card trick show. While it will be embarrassing, do not ignore him. You can pretend that you intended to tell the audience, how your trick is performed, all along! Weave his comments into your patter and tell your audience how this smart gentleman has developed insight into how card tricks are performed and you could even invite him to join you on the stage to demonstrate how the trick is done. This will stop him in his tracks and force him to join you on the stage or face the ire of the audience who are now conscious that the card-trick "spoiler' is robbing them of the entertainment they expected to enjoy at the card trick show.
If you feel that the situation at your card trick show is irretrievable, it may be a good idea to walk away after explaining to your audience that card tricks are not magic, but are intended to create an illusion of magic and that is what you had intended to demonstrate with the card tricks that you had performed.
All too often, one comes across a person in the crowd around a card trick man, who is out to deride the proceedings in the card trick show and spoil the show or expose the magic that a card trick man may perform. This is a common situation that needs to be handled, when the card tricks are being performed before a closed group at a party or family gathering. It is less common in a crowd that gathers at the theater where the card trick is being performed. How does the card trick man handle such a hostile person?
The card trick man should first be aware of the possibility of encountering such a hostile spectator at every one of his card trick shows. He must be mentally ready for this Spoiler at a card trick show. This card trick 'spoiler' is egoistic and wants to prove his superiority over the card trick audience and the card trick man. He is there with the specific intent of proving the card trick man a fraud, a trickster and someone who is taking everyone for a ride! He is powerfully motivated and completely arrogant. He does not even begin to appreciate the fact that he is spoiling the card trick show for the rest of the audience.
It is easy to recognize this person as he begins his derisive patter as soon as the card trick show begins. He whispers to his neighbors and looks at the card trick man with suspicion in his eye. He will be intently watching every move of the card trick man with the sole purpose on pouncing on him at the right time. On entering the room where you propose to perform the card tricks, do a quick survey of the audience. If you see a possible "spoiler" in the audience for your card trick show, try to stand a little away from him and also mentally get ready to tackle a card trick audience whose suspicions are likely to be fanned by the card trick spoiler.
As you get ready with your card trick masterpiece and gradually build up the card trick patter, you will find this person edging his way to stand as close to you as possible. When you actually begin the card trick, you will find him saying derisive things about your card tricks as loudly as possible and even giving a commentary on what you are doing to trick them at the card trick show. While it will be embarrassing, do not ignore him. You can pretend that you intended to tell the audience, how your trick is performed, all along! Weave his comments into your patter and tell your audience how this smart gentleman has developed insight into how card tricks are performed and you could even invite him to join you on the stage to demonstrate how the trick is done. This will stop him in his tracks and force him to join you on the stage or face the ire of the audience who are now conscious that the card-trick "spoiler' is robbing them of the entertainment they expected to enjoy at the card trick show.
If you feel that the situation at your card trick show is irretrievable, it may be a good idea to walk away after explaining to your audience that card tricks are not magic, but are intended to create an illusion of magic and that is what you had intended to demonstrate with the card tricks that you had performed.