Strip Unwanted Belly Fat in 4 Days - 3 Incredibly Simple Steps
Most people today are looking for quick fixes to weight loss.
While weight loss and losing belly fat is an ongoing journey, today I am going to show you how to kick start the process and cheat a little bit, losing several kilos in just days.
If you're serious about losing your fat tummy, then you need to forget about all the over hyped products on the market today and remember this - Ab Crunches and Sit-ups will not get you the flat stomach you desire.
The solution to a flat tummy lies in 3 little known secrets.
It doesn't matter if you want washboard abs or just want to flatten and tone your tummy, these 3 secrets are all you need to know.
So if you are serious about kick starting your weight loss and stripping away tummy fat in days, get a pen and paper and promise that you will commit to these steps for at least 4 days.
First Secret: Animal Protein In The Evenings.
Most of us have got it the wrong way around.
We consume animal proteins (Chicken, Steak, etc.
) throughout the day and then load up on carb foods at night.
The last thing you want to do if you're trying to flatten your stomach is go to bed with a belly full of carbs.
Second Secret: No Bread ( not even the multigrain ).
Bread is not that bad for you in moderation, however to kick start your weight loss we'll eliminate it from your diet for at least 4 days.
It's a highly dense, carb rich food that provides loads of energy, and lots of calories too.
we want to create a daily deficit in calories.
This means out body will be forced to burn fat reserves.
Cutting down on our carbs for a few days is the best way to do this.
Third Secret: Eat Lots Of Greens.
Leafy green veg and leaves are the best fat burning foods.
This is because they are rich in nutrients and low in calories.
By reducing your carbs and upping your leafy greens for 4 days straight you are reducing calories while increasing nutrients, this in turn provides a major metabolism boost.
So why not take the 4 days challenge, follow the 3 steps above for 4 days and see the difference.
I guarantee you will drop the kilos faster than you ever have before and this is without increasing your exercise at all.
Add in additional targeted metabolism boosting exercises and you will literally strip your body of unwanted fat in weeks.
While weight loss and losing belly fat is an ongoing journey, today I am going to show you how to kick start the process and cheat a little bit, losing several kilos in just days.
If you're serious about losing your fat tummy, then you need to forget about all the over hyped products on the market today and remember this - Ab Crunches and Sit-ups will not get you the flat stomach you desire.
The solution to a flat tummy lies in 3 little known secrets.
It doesn't matter if you want washboard abs or just want to flatten and tone your tummy, these 3 secrets are all you need to know.
So if you are serious about kick starting your weight loss and stripping away tummy fat in days, get a pen and paper and promise that you will commit to these steps for at least 4 days.
First Secret: Animal Protein In The Evenings.
Most of us have got it the wrong way around.
We consume animal proteins (Chicken, Steak, etc.
) throughout the day and then load up on carb foods at night.
The last thing you want to do if you're trying to flatten your stomach is go to bed with a belly full of carbs.
Second Secret: No Bread ( not even the multigrain ).
Bread is not that bad for you in moderation, however to kick start your weight loss we'll eliminate it from your diet for at least 4 days.
It's a highly dense, carb rich food that provides loads of energy, and lots of calories too.
we want to create a daily deficit in calories.
This means out body will be forced to burn fat reserves.
Cutting down on our carbs for a few days is the best way to do this.
Third Secret: Eat Lots Of Greens.
Leafy green veg and leaves are the best fat burning foods.
This is because they are rich in nutrients and low in calories.
By reducing your carbs and upping your leafy greens for 4 days straight you are reducing calories while increasing nutrients, this in turn provides a major metabolism boost.
So why not take the 4 days challenge, follow the 3 steps above for 4 days and see the difference.
I guarantee you will drop the kilos faster than you ever have before and this is without increasing your exercise at all.
Add in additional targeted metabolism boosting exercises and you will literally strip your body of unwanted fat in weeks.