Marine Electronics

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Autopilots - The first self-steering gear was introduced in the 1920's to control model yachts but it was not until 1948 that the principle has been applied to large yachts. Standing at the helm for long periods, monitoring and maintenance of air tools, of course, can be very tiring. An autopilot relieves the helmsman steering the right course leaving him free to maintain proper oversight. The autopilot can be configured as a compass or a course by the wind. A fluxgate compass or electronic wind indicator sends information to a microprocessor which in turn makes the necessary rudder movements to return the boat to the required course. The mechanical energy is applied to the rudder by either electric linear activators, hydraulic pumps or rotary drives. GPS Plotter / Chart can be used to input instructions to the autopilot navigation.

Charger to keep the batteries fully charged thereby extending their working life.

Tracers - Generally, a chart plotter consists of an antenna, mounted high on the boat, to track GPS signals and a screen located either at the navigation station or the tip of the boat. The position of vessels sent by the antenna to the display unit, which shows again that it graphically on the map. The character himself looks like the equivalent of paper and show the depth, land mass, navigational aids such as buoys and hazards in the form of wrecks and obstructions. The user can add points on the map and zoom in and out of the screen. Tracers can be coupled to drive an autopilot and / or send data to a GPS fish finder and radar. They can also communicate with a laptop so complex passage planning to be away from the boat, then the plotter after arriving at the boat.

Transmission magnetic compass work like traditional compasses using magnets to determine the orientation of the vessels to the magnetic field of the earth, they then send the boats headed for an electronic display. They make steering easier than conventional compasses because they display boxes more stable and do not suffer from "" layer "" that occurs during a turn. They can interface with plotters, autopilots and radar. Fluxgate compass consists of two pieces of magnetic material easily saturated with coils wound around them in both directions. Alternating current is passed through the coils and the material is saturated in one direction then the other. Earth's magnetic field affects slightly when the saturation occurs earlier in a coil, and later to another. The difference is then calculated to give an output proportional to the magnetic field of the Earth. They have an accuracy of 0.1 degree.

Their output can be displayed digitally to the helmsman or they can communicate with autopilots, chart plotters and radar.

Echo Sounders work on the same principle as sonar. It emits a narrow beam of high frequency sound. This translates into solid objects and the elapsed time between transmission and reception of the echo is measured. The speed of sound in water is known and if the range or distance on the seabed can be calculated. Shown in meters. Looking Sonar (FLS) enables you to see the underwater hazards before it is actually on top of them. A typical range of an FSL is 150 meters.

A position beacon (EPIRB) is a piece of equipment designed to float freely on a ship in distress. Then sends a radio signal that can be detected by Search and Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking (SARSAT) satellites. They convey a message to an earth station, which in turn can launch a search and rescue.

Echo sounders use the same technology as sonar. A narrow beam of high frequency sound is transmitted by a sensor, which means that solid objects, such as the seabed. By developing this technology offer sample surveys that show where the fish are and can not differentiate between bait fish and larger species

Global Positioning System (GPS Receivers) - This system was originally designed for military use and is owned and operated by the Department of Defense. 24 satellites are arranged in a "" cage "of" the whole world, which are arranged so that, anywhere in the world with a direct line of sight can be set to a minimum of four satellites. A solution is obtained by measuring the precise distance between the satellite and the GPS receiver at a given time. Because the exact position of the satellite is known, these distances provide position lines which are converted by a microprocessor in the GPS receiver to read the outputs of latitude and longitude.

The register has measured the speed of the boat in the water. Paddle or impeller, mounted below the waterline turns the flow of water, which generates electrical pulses that are fed to a microprocessor that displays both speed and distance running.

Inverters - On most boats today is the national team of one kind or another. For entertainment on board are no televisions and stereos. With the popularity of the bookmarks from your PC or laptop. Maintenance requires the use of power tools. Cruise may have a washing machine, dishwasher or microwave. It may take 12, 24 or 48v supply and turn it into a stable 110V or 220V AC.

Navtex perhaps best described as an offer navigational telex and continuously updated weather information in specific areas. A board at the receiver, tuned to 518 kHz, the frequency worldwide Navtex, if left to both print or display the latest massages sent from a local station. The service is available up to 400 miles offshore.

Radar helps you to see what would otherwise be invisible. They offer the greatest benefit at night and in fog or rain, and are particularly helpful, closest to the beach or the busy streets. They consist of an antenna and display. The antenna sends the signal streaming radio, which is reflected by hard objects. When this energy is bounced is converted into a signal which is displayed to the user. The antenna every few seconds, seems to continuously calculates the direction of the antenna and so a precise bearing to the target is calculated. It measures the energy released, and so the distance of the target is also displayed.

Satellite Phones consist of an antenna, a modem and a regular phone. They are powered by the battery Iridium. Their range is covered anywhere in the Inmarsat Mini-M satellite phone. Voice, fax, e-mail and transfer data.

Satellite TV requires an antenna and, of course, television. The reception is available, "" footprint "," which is based on EIRP (effective isotropic radiated power) is sending a satellite. EUTELSAT together with the two ASTRA satellites cover Europe. Nilesat ARABSATs cover both Africa and the Middle East. Good coverage is also available in North, Central and South America.

SSB radio has a range of several thousand kilometers. Do you need an FCC license or the equivalent in any country you plan to use it. Energy consumption is a consideration. Up to 100 watts may be required for the transfer. SSB radio requires several devices. Transmitter can operate SSB, the antenna, which is 8 meters long and in practice most boats use a backstay or shroud for the isolation necessary to have installed. The antenna of the transmitter corresponding model. If you want to send an e-mail is also necessary and radio-modems and computers.

VHF power needed to transmit is minimal, all games have the ability to transmit either 1 watt or 25 watts and lower power consumption should be used as soon as possible. Unlike phones that allow you to both talk and listen at the same time most VHF sets require you to press a transmit button before speaking. This is known as simplex. Duplex sets are available, but are much more expensive. VHF radio waves propagate in straight lines, so that the antenna should be mounted as high as possible, preferably in the neck.

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