How to Install Solar Shingles
While solar shingles offer gre?t r?wards a??ell a? advantages?ver conventional solar cell?, th?re a?e uniqu??hallenges inhe?ent in t?e installation of such? roof. Careful planning is required, and attention must b??aid to the wi?ing?f?our solar shingles. To simplify your install?tion process, we provide thi? gu?de t? installing a photovoltiac?olar shingle roof.
Solar shingle? offer not onl? better aesthetics compared t? conventional s?lar panels, b?t also a less complicated attachment to the ho?e. Unlike sol?r?anels, which require a m?unting rack to be installed on to? of th? roof, solar shingles are stapl?d d?rectly ont? the roof. If you view the c?st of ordinary roofing?hingles you wo?ld h?ve to buy?nyway as? sunk cost, y?u find that you?re only adding the d?fference in price between ordinary and solar shingles to y?ur co?t, in addition to also saving?n the?ost of mo?nting rac?s fo? conventional sola? panels.
Careful planning is required bef?re you proceed w?th the installation of yo?r solar roof. Factors y?u m?st consid?r include: the layout of your roof; the number of t?les you?ill need to generat? the a?ount of pow?r yo? need;?nd?ow the wi?es will?e ro?ted through the house to t?e po?er?ontrol p?nel and inverte?.
Sola? cells mu?t b? wired in series?n?rder to deliver?igh voltage to the inverter. In t?is wiring?rrangement, the po?itive t?rminal of ea?h element i? wired to the negati?e terminal of the ne?t, in contra?t t? parallel w?ring in w?ich?ach ele?ent i? plac?d?n? different branch of the same wire. In a serial wi?ing arrangement, the voltages of each element add.
T? install you? solar shingles, staple t?em onto th? roof in?n overla?ping pattern?ust like ordinary roofing shingles. When inst?lling conventional?hingles, you would be d?ne?t this st?p, how?ver in t?e c?se?f photovoltiac shingles yo? also?ave t? wire them. A typical arrangement entails t?e placement of wire?oles drilled throug? the roof?very 3 and a?alf inches along? line?f overlapping tiles It is wise to use a template and d?aw outlines?f ea?h hol? in ch?lk bef?re proceeding w?th the actual installation of sh?ngles.
Once you?ave passed?ires tho?gh the?iring holes, guide eac? line?f wires though a wiring raceway. Be?areful to?lace wir?ng holes, and raceways,?etween structural member? in your roof!
T?e?ervices of a licensed electrician is req?ired to perfo?m the wiring of?our sola? cells to the inverter and p?wer cont?ol unit,?nd from the inverter to th? electric util?ty grid.
Keep in mind that solar shingles cann?t be?ut, a? doing s? will r?nder th? s?lar c?ll non-functional. In addition, a m?nimum?oof slope of 3:12?s requir?d to ensur? proper drainage.
While installing? solar shingle r?of will delver profound?ewards, the inst?llation of such a roof is n? sm?ll task. Prope? installat?on requires care?nd planning; and is not an ende?vor to b? rushed into. Wit? t?e information presented here, you may better understand t?e ch?llenge of installing?our ne? solar roof.
Solar shingle? offer not onl? better aesthetics compared t? conventional s?lar panels, b?t also a less complicated attachment to the ho?e. Unlike sol?r?anels, which require a m?unting rack to be installed on to? of th? roof, solar shingles are stapl?d d?rectly ont? the roof. If you view the c?st of ordinary roofing?hingles you wo?ld h?ve to buy?nyway as? sunk cost, y?u find that you?re only adding the d?fference in price between ordinary and solar shingles to y?ur co?t, in addition to also saving?n the?ost of mo?nting rac?s fo? conventional sola? panels.
Careful planning is required bef?re you proceed w?th the installation of yo?r solar roof. Factors y?u m?st consid?r include: the layout of your roof; the number of t?les you?ill need to generat? the a?ount of pow?r yo? need;?nd?ow the wi?es will?e ro?ted through the house to t?e po?er?ontrol p?nel and inverte?.
Sola? cells mu?t b? wired in series?n?rder to deliver?igh voltage to the inverter. In t?is wiring?rrangement, the po?itive t?rminal of ea?h element i? wired to the negati?e terminal of the ne?t, in contra?t t? parallel w?ring in w?ich?ach ele?ent i? plac?d?n? different branch of the same wire. In a serial wi?ing arrangement, the voltages of each element add.
T? install you? solar shingles, staple t?em onto th? roof in?n overla?ping pattern?ust like ordinary roofing shingles. When inst?lling conventional?hingles, you would be d?ne?t this st?p, how?ver in t?e c?se?f photovoltiac shingles yo? also?ave t? wire them. A typical arrangement entails t?e placement of wire?oles drilled throug? the roof?very 3 and a?alf inches along? line?f overlapping tiles It is wise to use a template and d?aw outlines?f ea?h hol? in ch?lk bef?re proceeding w?th the actual installation of sh?ngles.
Once you?ave passed?ires tho?gh the?iring holes, guide eac? line?f wires though a wiring raceway. Be?areful to?lace wir?ng holes, and raceways,?etween structural member? in your roof!
T?e?ervices of a licensed electrician is req?ired to perfo?m the wiring of?our sola? cells to the inverter and p?wer cont?ol unit,?nd from the inverter to th? electric util?ty grid.
Keep in mind that solar shingles cann?t be?ut, a? doing s? will r?nder th? s?lar c?ll non-functional. In addition, a m?nimum?oof slope of 3:12?s requir?d to ensur? proper drainage.
While installing? solar shingle r?of will delver profound?ewards, the inst?llation of such a roof is n? sm?ll task. Prope? installat?on requires care?nd planning; and is not an ende?vor to b? rushed into. Wit? t?e information presented here, you may better understand t?e ch?llenge of installing?our ne? solar roof.