Dr. Wade Wei Han on the Causes and Symptoms of Non-Allergic Rhinitis
Number of people suffering from non-allergic rhinitis has a runny nose, which does not become better over the span of time. Instead, the symptoms keep recurring. Dr. Wade Wei Han explains that the blood vessel inside mucosal lining of the nose dilates, results in the increased blood and fluid in the nasal lining. The condition may become more severe if not detected at a certain time. This stimulates the mucus glands in the nose, causing it to become congested and "drippy".
MD, Dr. Han is an Ivy League educated and specialized surgeon with a doctorate degree in medicine. He has honours in many subjects of basic sciences and clinical sciences, which has given him in depth knowledge on multiple topics. He is capable of handling and resolving critical issues on various subjects. He has been working since June 2001 at Florida Ear Nose Throat and Facial Plastic Surgery Centre.
The symptoms and the sign of non-allergic rhinitis include sneezing, a blocked and runny nose, nasal pressure and mucus in the throat. Usually it affects during the adult hood and symptoms last year-round. Non-allergic rhinitis happens without the involvement of the immune system. Sometimes it can be associated with medical complications such as sinusitis, ear infection asthma and loss of smell.
An experienced ENT specialist, Wade Han MD says that the causes of the non-allergic rhinitis is unknown but this condition can only be confirmed when allergic rhinitis is ruled out. The infectious rhinitis is by the viral infection e.g. cold or flu. Vasomotor rhinitis is the inflammation of the blood vessels in the nose. Atrophic rhinitis may be the result of the complications of nose surgery or an infection. A foul smelling crust forms inside the nose.
There are many substances, which may trigger the nasal swelling in non-allergic rhinitis, which includes:-
€ Environmental irritants
€ Hot and spicy foods
€ Alcoholic beverages cause the inner membranous lining of the nose to swell leading to nasal congestion
€ Medicines like aspirin, ibuprofen, and high blood pressure medicines
€ Hormonal changes due to pregnancy, menstruation ad hypothyroidism
Some of the symptoms are short-lived where as the other are chronic health issues.
Usually it is incurable but Wade W Han who is an expert says it can be easily controlled by avoiding triggers, using home remedies and taking prescribed medicines.
Are you confused between allergic and non-allergic rhinitis? Find out the difference - Dr. Wade Wei Han Explains the Difference between Allergic and Non-allergic Rhinitis
MD, Dr. Han is an Ivy League educated and specialized surgeon with a doctorate degree in medicine. He has honours in many subjects of basic sciences and clinical sciences, which has given him in depth knowledge on multiple topics. He is capable of handling and resolving critical issues on various subjects. He has been working since June 2001 at Florida Ear Nose Throat and Facial Plastic Surgery Centre.
The symptoms and the sign of non-allergic rhinitis include sneezing, a blocked and runny nose, nasal pressure and mucus in the throat. Usually it affects during the adult hood and symptoms last year-round. Non-allergic rhinitis happens without the involvement of the immune system. Sometimes it can be associated with medical complications such as sinusitis, ear infection asthma and loss of smell.
An experienced ENT specialist, Wade Han MD says that the causes of the non-allergic rhinitis is unknown but this condition can only be confirmed when allergic rhinitis is ruled out. The infectious rhinitis is by the viral infection e.g. cold or flu. Vasomotor rhinitis is the inflammation of the blood vessels in the nose. Atrophic rhinitis may be the result of the complications of nose surgery or an infection. A foul smelling crust forms inside the nose.
There are many substances, which may trigger the nasal swelling in non-allergic rhinitis, which includes:-
€ Environmental irritants
€ Hot and spicy foods
€ Alcoholic beverages cause the inner membranous lining of the nose to swell leading to nasal congestion
€ Medicines like aspirin, ibuprofen, and high blood pressure medicines
€ Hormonal changes due to pregnancy, menstruation ad hypothyroidism
Some of the symptoms are short-lived where as the other are chronic health issues.
Usually it is incurable but Wade W Han who is an expert says it can be easily controlled by avoiding triggers, using home remedies and taking prescribed medicines.
Are you confused between allergic and non-allergic rhinitis? Find out the difference - Dr. Wade Wei Han Explains the Difference between Allergic and Non-allergic Rhinitis