The Best Efforts To Handle The Cancer So Far
There is not a single person in this world would ever want to deal with the cancer. So far, even the most sophisticated medical treatment couldn't heal the cancer. So far, the medical treatment could only postpone the process, slowing it down, but not stopping it. Furthermore, it's still impossible to destroy the cancer permanently. Could you imagine; today, when everything seems to be so extremely sophisticated, the human being must deal with one of the most dangerous killers in the world, empty handedly. When a person knew that he or she had cancer, suddenly, he or she is a zombie, a dead man walking. They couldn't see any hopes, for them, they have already dead by the time the doctor said that they were positive. It's so sad, because between millions of people who had cancer, only small numbers of them could be healed. That would be a tragic and ironic situation for the medical world.
Today, even the most sophisticated medical treatments couldn't permanently heal, and remove the whole cancer cell. The latest medical treatments only have some limited usages. There are so many kinds of technology in medical treatments that have developed to reduce the deadly effect of the cancer. For the early stadium cancer, the doctor would recommend to use the laser radiation or the chemotherapy. The most sophisticated technology of medical treatment only could have less than 75 percent healing possibility. With that possibilities level, the cancer patient must deal with some post treatment syndromes. There would be so much pain for them soon after the treatment. The chemotherapy and the radiation were not only killing some (not all) of the cancer cells, but it also destroy some other tissues around the area. That is something that caused some major pains.
The late level of cancer even has the lower healing possibilities. For the late level of the cancer, stadium III or IV, the patient would only have less than 30 percent healing possibilities. They had to do some surgery to cut out the cancer cell. Some of them even must lose some part of their body because the cancer cells have already spread inside. For some case, such as the bone cancer, the patient might lose their organ because of the amputations. For some bone cancer cases, the amputations were considered as the best way to save the life of the patient. Somehow, that method still not completely succeeded. Some parts of the cancer cells still left inside the body. Then, they grew up again, and ruin the other part of the body, over and over again. Now, we could only hope that one day there would be some medical invention that could increase the living hope for some cancer patients.
Today, even the most sophisticated medical treatments couldn't permanently heal, and remove the whole cancer cell. The latest medical treatments only have some limited usages. There are so many kinds of technology in medical treatments that have developed to reduce the deadly effect of the cancer. For the early stadium cancer, the doctor would recommend to use the laser radiation or the chemotherapy. The most sophisticated technology of medical treatment only could have less than 75 percent healing possibility. With that possibilities level, the cancer patient must deal with some post treatment syndromes. There would be so much pain for them soon after the treatment. The chemotherapy and the radiation were not only killing some (not all) of the cancer cells, but it also destroy some other tissues around the area. That is something that caused some major pains.
The late level of cancer even has the lower healing possibilities. For the late level of the cancer, stadium III or IV, the patient would only have less than 30 percent healing possibilities. They had to do some surgery to cut out the cancer cell. Some of them even must lose some part of their body because the cancer cells have already spread inside. For some case, such as the bone cancer, the patient might lose their organ because of the amputations. For some bone cancer cases, the amputations were considered as the best way to save the life of the patient. Somehow, that method still not completely succeeded. Some parts of the cancer cells still left inside the body. Then, they grew up again, and ruin the other part of the body, over and over again. Now, we could only hope that one day there would be some medical invention that could increase the living hope for some cancer patients.