How Much Free Information Should You Give Away On Your Website?
You've heard of the idea of "give to get" marketing, haven't you?
The idea is you have to give something of value to your prospects. Build trust first... Then sell them afterwards.
But just how much free stuff should you give away? The answer is, "it depends".
My general rule of thumb is, "give as much stuff away free as you can until your customers are sick of it". The reaction you want from your prospect is, "Sh**, if the free stuff is THIS GOOD, the paid stuff must be awesome."
That's when reciprocity (the law of obligation) kicks in. But you have to give away GOOD stuff. Not shit, not junk. I am talking about quality material; practical information people can use for their business. Original content that will have an impact in their lives. Not some rehash bullshit. Got it?
However, keep this in mind. Your information should be useful, but incomplete. If you give away ALL your secrets for FREE, who the hell is gonna pay for anything else?
I know a marketer who gives away $3,000.00 worth of junky e-books to get people to opt-in. All he's doing is building a list of freebie junkie or mooches. (Side note: If you're a freebie junkie, please inform my team, we'll take you off my list!). People expect to get a ton of free stuff without giving anything in return. Is that who you want on your list?
Absolutely NOT! I say, screw 'em. What you want is paying customers. Quality customers. People who aren't gonna expect something for nothing all the time.
You also want to entice them a bit. Let them know you have the goods and they are worth paying for. That's why you want to offer them good stuff, not "junky".
You gotta use your common sense here. Think it through. Plan it. Everything you do has to have a strategic purpose. I mean everything. It has to lead to a sale. Period.
This is not charity. We are in business to make a profit. Lots of profits.
Dan Lok
The idea is you have to give something of value to your prospects. Build trust first... Then sell them afterwards.
But just how much free stuff should you give away? The answer is, "it depends".
My general rule of thumb is, "give as much stuff away free as you can until your customers are sick of it". The reaction you want from your prospect is, "Sh**, if the free stuff is THIS GOOD, the paid stuff must be awesome."
That's when reciprocity (the law of obligation) kicks in. But you have to give away GOOD stuff. Not shit, not junk. I am talking about quality material; practical information people can use for their business. Original content that will have an impact in their lives. Not some rehash bullshit. Got it?
However, keep this in mind. Your information should be useful, but incomplete. If you give away ALL your secrets for FREE, who the hell is gonna pay for anything else?
I know a marketer who gives away $3,000.00 worth of junky e-books to get people to opt-in. All he's doing is building a list of freebie junkie or mooches. (Side note: If you're a freebie junkie, please inform my team, we'll take you off my list!). People expect to get a ton of free stuff without giving anything in return. Is that who you want on your list?
Absolutely NOT! I say, screw 'em. What you want is paying customers. Quality customers. People who aren't gonna expect something for nothing all the time.
You also want to entice them a bit. Let them know you have the goods and they are worth paying for. That's why you want to offer them good stuff, not "junky".
You gotta use your common sense here. Think it through. Plan it. Everything you do has to have a strategic purpose. I mean everything. It has to lead to a sale. Period.
This is not charity. We are in business to make a profit. Lots of profits.
Dan Lok