Driving Without Vehicle Insurance - What You Will See And Tips That May Save You From Going To Jail
You are obviously aware of the fact that it is illegal to drive in the United States without the right car insurance. Once pulled over and caught driving around without insurance, the officer in charge may give you a ticket and charge you to court. So, what are the ways out if you are found in the mess? Discussed below are some tips that should help you if you are caught driving without insurance.
Once caught driving without insurance, the first thing you should do is to visit your insurer and get you car insured. You should hope that your ticket date is not noted during hearing. It is possible that you will just be warned and asked to be of good behavior if this is your first time and you have your insurance ready, and your ticket date is ignored. But in some very unlucky situations, you could bag a jail sentence, fined heavily, given an outright ban or put on probation. Depending on the judge's mood on the day of your hearing, your sentence may be light or heavy.
How well you have driven in the past will affect you in court too. If you have a record of violating driving laws, you will get a heavy sentence in court. Be of the best behavior and dress appropriately when you are in court. Your appearance and attitude in court will further convince the judge to either warn you and set you free or throw you in jail.
A quick help here: Do not wait to get a ticket, try to convince the police man in charge that you will not drive without insurance again so as to escape getting a ticket. But if he or she still goes ahead and give you a ticket, quickly visit an insurance company and get your car insured. Do not tamper with the date printed on your ticket. You may find yourself in more trouble if your insurance company is called to verify the date on your newly purchased policy.
Start right away by shopping for your best car insurance, get insured and enjoy access to free professional help on ways of escaping a jail term for driving without insurance.
Where To Begin?
Once caught driving without insurance, the first thing you should do is to visit your insurer and get you car insured. You should hope that your ticket date is not noted during hearing. It is possible that you will just be warned and asked to be of good behavior if this is your first time and you have your insurance ready, and your ticket date is ignored. But in some very unlucky situations, you could bag a jail sentence, fined heavily, given an outright ban or put on probation. Depending on the judge's mood on the day of your hearing, your sentence may be light or heavy.
How well you have driven in the past will affect you in court too. If you have a record of violating driving laws, you will get a heavy sentence in court. Be of the best behavior and dress appropriately when you are in court. Your appearance and attitude in court will further convince the judge to either warn you and set you free or throw you in jail.
A quick help here: Do not wait to get a ticket, try to convince the police man in charge that you will not drive without insurance again so as to escape getting a ticket. But if he or she still goes ahead and give you a ticket, quickly visit an insurance company and get your car insured. Do not tamper with the date printed on your ticket. You may find yourself in more trouble if your insurance company is called to verify the date on your newly purchased policy.
Start right away by shopping for your best car insurance, get insured and enjoy access to free professional help on ways of escaping a jail term for driving without insurance.
Where To Begin?