What Are Some Interesting Facts About Vanadium?
- Bodybuilders use vanadium to increase blood sugar in the muscles.drugs image by sebastiankiek from Fotolia.com
Vanadium is a naturally occurring element that may have multiple benefits for the human body. According to researchers at the University of Maryland, vanadium may improve metabolism of carbohydrates and blood lipids, in addition to the element's natural ability to reduce blood sugar levels in the body. Vanadium is available as a supplement in most drug, herbal, and bodybuilding stores. - According to the Agency of Toxic Substances and Disease Registry in 1995, vanadium reduced blood sugar levels in animal and human test subjects. Additionally, subjects who took vanadium demonstrated an improved response to insulin intake. The ability to reduce blood sugar while increasing insulin efficiency is thought to be an indicator that vanadium benefits individuals with diabetes. However, the levels of vanadium needed to produce these beneficial effects may cause unknown side effects to humans.
- The bodybuilding community, and the Body Building Tips Guide, touts vanadium as a supplement to increase the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body while increasing blood sugar to the muscles. A bodybuilder who can quickly process carbohydrates benefits from increased water flow to her muscles, enhancing muscle repair. Increased blood sugar to the muscles translates into usable energy during weightlifting or aerobic exercise.
- Vanadium has reduced cholesterol levels in some patients. According to the University of Maryland Medical Clinic, vanadium enables the human body to metabolize blood lipids more quickly, breaking down cholesterol in the blood stream. Vanadium may also lower your chances of developing colon cancer, though studies on the subject, as of 2010, are limited.
Effect on Diabetes
Bodybuilding Performance
Other Benefits