Salt Water Fish Aquarium - 3 Great Fish Care Tips
Food requirements of fish No matter what kind of fish you have the main thing that you should know ishow to feed them and give them the same food as they would live on when they are in their natural habitat.
Such foods are available in any of the fish shops wither as frozen foods or in the form of flakes or tablets.
You would have to add some vitamins to the food as some of the nutrients in the food are lost when the food is frozen or processed.
Fish, like humans get fed up of the same food everyday and need a change sometimes.
So keep a variety of foods available and give them a change sometimes.
Before you buy the fish make sure that you can get the food that they eat or else you will have a constant problem of procuring the right kind of food for your fish.
Do not over feed the fish as this will create debris to collect in the tank.
Fish should be only fed as much as they can consume in 2 or 3 minutes, not more.
Watch and see how much they can eat and do not put more than that every time.
New aquarium owners tend to over feed their fish.
Once they have eaten remove all the excess food from the tank.
This way you can maintain a clean tank.
Keep water conditions consistent always To maintain your fish in a comfortable environment make sure that you keep the water conditions consistent like the temperature the salinity levels and the P.
You should test the water everyday and make sure that you correct any changes that you see.
The filter should be cleaned regularly and the water should not get cloudy.
To keep your fish happy in their new environment you should try and make this very like their natural habitat in the ocean.
Get corals, plants and sponges that the fish have been surrounded by in the ocean and this will make them more at home in the aquarium.
You can reduce the stress level of the fish by making their environment in the aquarium as natural as possible.
Do not overcrowd the tank Never overcrowd an aquarium as this makes the fish quite uncomfortable.
The natural habitat rule suggests one small fish for every ten gallons of water, but also bear in mind that what is a small fish now, may not be so small a little later.
So before putting too many fish into the aquarium get to know what the grown up fish size will be and shop accordingly for your fish.
Food requirements of fish No matter what kind of fish you have the main thing that you should know ishow to feed them and give them the same food as they would live on when they are in their natural habitat.
Such foods are available in any of the fish shops wither as frozen foods or in the form of flakes or tablets.
You would have to add some vitamins to the food as some of the nutrients in the food are lost when the food is frozen or processed.
Fish, like humans get fed up of the same food everyday and need a change sometimes.
So keep a variety of foods available and give them a change sometimes.
Before you buy the fish make sure that you can get the food that they eat or else you will have a constant problem of procuring the right kind of food for your fish.
Do not over feed the fish as this will create debris to collect in the tank.
Fish should be only fed as much as they can consume in 2 or 3 minutes, not more.
Watch and see how much they can eat and do not put more than that every time.
New aquarium owners tend to over feed their fish.
Once they have eaten remove all the excess food from the tank.
This way you can maintain a clean tank.
Keep water conditions consistent always To maintain your fish in a comfortable environment make sure that you keep the water conditions consistent like the temperature the salinity levels and the P.
You should test the water everyday and make sure that you correct any changes that you see.
The filter should be cleaned regularly and the water should not get cloudy.
To keep your fish happy in their new environment you should try and make this very like their natural habitat in the ocean.
Get corals, plants and sponges that the fish have been surrounded by in the ocean and this will make them more at home in the aquarium.
You can reduce the stress level of the fish by making their environment in the aquarium as natural as possible.
Do not overcrowd the tank Never overcrowd an aquarium as this makes the fish quite uncomfortable.
The natural habitat rule suggests one small fish for every ten gallons of water, but also bear in mind that what is a small fish now, may not be so small a little later.
So before putting too many fish into the aquarium get to know what the grown up fish size will be and shop accordingly for your fish.