Which Dog Has the Most Powerful Bite?
- Bite force is a measurement of the amount of pressure caused by a bite. The greater the pressure, the more damage a bite can do. Scientists have determined that in proportion to its size, the Least Weasel has the most powerful bite force. The giant panda, according to the same study, also has a surprisingly strong BFQ (Bite Force Quotient), but the animal with the strongest bite force is the Tasmanian Devil.
- The dog breed with the most powerful BFQ is the Rottweiler, followed closely by the German Shepherd and the Pit Bull. Not surprisingly, these dog breeds are also listed on the Most Likely To Bite list by the CDC. Of course, bite force is not necessarily an indicator of temperament, but due to the conditions that breeds like these, particularly Pit Bulls, are often raised in, they are statistically most likely to attack a human being and, unfortunately, most likely to do the most damage.
- What constitutes a dangerous or vicious dog is subject to interpretation. A dog is considered vicious if it has been known to attack and injure in the past and dangerous if it is considered more likely than other dogs to attack. The CDC points out that larger dogs with a stronger bite force will do more damage if they do attack. This information is often used by insurance companies to deny coverage to people who own Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Huskies, Doberman Pinschers and Chow Chows.
- Whenever a dog attacks and seriously injures a person it usually ends up being reported by the media. Unfortunately incidents like these, which often occur as a result of mistreatment of the dog involved, have gone a long way to permanently prejudice many people against certain dog breeds, particularly Pit Bulls. Many people find that it is very difficult to rent an apartment, even in complexes where pets are allowed, if they own a Rottweiler, a Pit Bull or a German Shepherd
- If you own a dog with a strong BFQ, do your part to help eliminate the negative stereotypes surrounding your breed. You can do this by making sure that your dog receives proper care and obedience training, and that is socialized from an early age. Even if a dog has a predisposition toward viciousness based on its breed, there is no reason why it can't be a loyal, loving, safe and friendly companion.
What Is Bite Force?
Which Dogs Have the Most Powerful BFQ?
Defining Dangerous Dogs
Dangerous Dog Implications
Proper Training Is Essential