How to Send Old Stamps Through the Mail
- 1). Place the stamps in a 102 dealer card; a 102 dealer card is a display card made to hold stamps. It is 4.25 x 2.75 inches with a see-through pocket which holds stamps. Do not tape the dealer card closed as the stamp could become stuck to the tape.
- 2). Put the dealer card between two pieces of 4.25 x 2.75 inches cardboard. The cardboard will serve as a protective rigid mailer to prevent the stamps from being damaged during the mailing process. Tape the sides and bottom of the cardboard closed. Do not tape the top closed.
- 3). Address a business-sized envelope. Write your name and address on the top-left corner on the front of the envelope. Write the recipient's name and address on the center of the envelope. Stick a stamp on the upper-right corner of the envelope.
- 4). Put the rigid mailer in the envelope. Seal the envelope closed and take it to the post office. Place the envelope in the drop box or ask a teller for more information on registered mail.