Looking After Your Hearing is Very Important As Permanent Hearing Damage Cannot Be Reversed
Looking after your hearing has to be one of the most important health activities that you engage in.
Although a lot of media attention is given to making sure you eat the correct food and live a balanced healthy lifestyle quite correctly, the importance of good hearing does not appear to be that well publicised.
We all know that hearing loss can eventually lead to deafness however many people are not at all aware of exactly how easy it is to cause permanent hearing damage.
Permanent hearing damage is actually irreversible The danger of damaging your hearing drum is very serious and cannot be reversed.
Although there are many hearing aid type devices on the market, currently technology has not advanced to the stage wherein the ear drum can actually be repaired once damaged and therefore looking after your hearing is not to be taken light hearted.
Damage to hearing can even be caused by playing the piano for a prolonged period of time.
Although this would require for the ears to be subjected to the piano sounds for over 8 hours, it goes to illustrate the delicacy of the hearing instrument.
Generally speaking hearing damage is actually a combination of both the length of time you listen to the noise or sounds coupled with the decibel rating of that sound.
For example listening to the sound of a pneumatic drill for 2 hours will have a negative effect on your hearing.
In today's society wherein we live in a technological bubble, it is even more imperative care and attention is given to good hearing practices.
For example most people today own a Walkman, stereo or a PC at home that can and is often used to play music or games.
It is not the actually listening that causes the damage but the length of time as well.
So moderating your music or game playing consummation as well as reducing the sound level is highly recommended.
Thankfully good ear protection can be achieved relatively cheaply.
For example buying a pair of cheap foam ear plugs from your local supermarket will help protect your hearing.
If you are after a more refined and comfortable experience then it is worthwhile investing in a pair of quality earplugs, such as that made by the famous ear protection company Mack's.
A common concern for anyone wearing earplugs is the comfort factor.
However this should not really be off concern today as there are many types of plugs designed with comfort in mind.
Buying a pair of silicone ear plugs or those made from soft putty are most probably the cheapest and most comfortable option for most people.
Silicone is an excellent material to use in the manufacture of earplugs as it is very soft and also quite strong.
Due to its soft nature they can easily be moulded to help fit the shape of your ear canal However if you need to wear hearing protection daily or as part of you job, you could always opt for a custom made pair.
These are made from a mould taken of your ear ensuring optimal comfort and best fit.
Although more expensive they are designed to last longer and where comfort is an issue there really is no better option.
Foam ear plugs are very cheap but it is worth noting the foam material itself can come in various grades of quality so buying the cheapest pair from a discount store may not be the best choice should you be looking for something to help block out background noise when sleeping.
The best type are those made with a hallow centre and slightly curved outline, like that made within the Mack's SafeSound range.
Although a lot of media attention is given to making sure you eat the correct food and live a balanced healthy lifestyle quite correctly, the importance of good hearing does not appear to be that well publicised.
We all know that hearing loss can eventually lead to deafness however many people are not at all aware of exactly how easy it is to cause permanent hearing damage.
Permanent hearing damage is actually irreversible The danger of damaging your hearing drum is very serious and cannot be reversed.
Although there are many hearing aid type devices on the market, currently technology has not advanced to the stage wherein the ear drum can actually be repaired once damaged and therefore looking after your hearing is not to be taken light hearted.
Damage to hearing can even be caused by playing the piano for a prolonged period of time.
Although this would require for the ears to be subjected to the piano sounds for over 8 hours, it goes to illustrate the delicacy of the hearing instrument.
Generally speaking hearing damage is actually a combination of both the length of time you listen to the noise or sounds coupled with the decibel rating of that sound.
For example listening to the sound of a pneumatic drill for 2 hours will have a negative effect on your hearing.
In today's society wherein we live in a technological bubble, it is even more imperative care and attention is given to good hearing practices.
For example most people today own a Walkman, stereo or a PC at home that can and is often used to play music or games.
It is not the actually listening that causes the damage but the length of time as well.
So moderating your music or game playing consummation as well as reducing the sound level is highly recommended.
Thankfully good ear protection can be achieved relatively cheaply.
For example buying a pair of cheap foam ear plugs from your local supermarket will help protect your hearing.
If you are after a more refined and comfortable experience then it is worthwhile investing in a pair of quality earplugs, such as that made by the famous ear protection company Mack's.
A common concern for anyone wearing earplugs is the comfort factor.
However this should not really be off concern today as there are many types of plugs designed with comfort in mind.
Buying a pair of silicone ear plugs or those made from soft putty are most probably the cheapest and most comfortable option for most people.
Silicone is an excellent material to use in the manufacture of earplugs as it is very soft and also quite strong.
Due to its soft nature they can easily be moulded to help fit the shape of your ear canal However if you need to wear hearing protection daily or as part of you job, you could always opt for a custom made pair.
These are made from a mould taken of your ear ensuring optimal comfort and best fit.
Although more expensive they are designed to last longer and where comfort is an issue there really is no better option.
Foam ear plugs are very cheap but it is worth noting the foam material itself can come in various grades of quality so buying the cheapest pair from a discount store may not be the best choice should you be looking for something to help block out background noise when sleeping.
The best type are those made with a hallow centre and slightly curved outline, like that made within the Mack's SafeSound range.