Writing And Understanding MBA Dissertation
Choosing The Topic
The first step in writing a MBA dissertation involves choosing a topic. You should choose a topic which you feel strongly about or which you want to study in detail and find its causes and conclusions. You should never choose a topic just for the sake of choosing it. If you select just some random topic in which you have absolutely no interest, then your final dissertation will also be thoroughly uninteresting and will render you poor marks.
Analyze Your Topic
After you have chosen a topic, it is advisable that you thoroughly analyze it before going any further. Without getting a full gist of what you are going to do, you will not be able to undertake your dissertation study in a thorough manner.
Discuss And Take Help From Faculty
The next most important thing to do is to consult your faculty members or your personal mentor. They would be your biggest support and source of guidance. Your mentor will have all the experience and knowledge that is required to answer your queries and help you complete your dissertation. Take full advantage of this opportunity and clear your doubts before undertaking your research. Also, working under an expert will let you learn more and write more professionally. Furthermore, you can make a rough draft and present it to your mentor and they can in turn check it and return it with the necessary changes and corrections.
Start Researching
After you have presented a rough draft of your dissertation to your mentor and he/she has approved your idea, start the research work. The first thing to do is to search for dissertation studies that are similar to your topic. This will help you gain an insight into what you are about to undertake. Note down the essential points and examples from previous studies and incorporate them appropriately in your dissertation. Be careful that you do not copy a point from a previous study. You should just take the general idea and then use it in the context of your study.
Final Study Draft
After you have undertaken the entire research work and made your dissertation; you should get it approved by your mentor. If they say that some changes have to be made, then make the appropriate changes and submit your final draft. Your research work is done! Though it is not as easy as it sounds here but it can be an enjoyable experience if done with interest and enthusiasm.