University of Wisconsin-Madison"s Bradyn W.
Last week I started a profile of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Competitive Cheer Club by speaking with Sam M, coach of their fantastic all-girl, Red Squad. Check out what she had to say here. The Red Squad is a recreational team which combines the talents of a number of cheerleaders at different levels. Their routines must showcase the skills of Level 5 athletes, while allowing brand new cheerleaders to shine as well.
Today, I am profiling Bradyn W. a junior at UW-Madison. Bradyn is 20 years old and serves on the Executive Board for the UW-Madison Competitive Cheer Club as Treasurer for 2014-2015. I asked Bradyn ’12 Questions’. Find out what she had to say below.
Are you all star, school, or both?
School- University of Wisconsin-Madison, Competitive Cheer Club
How and when did you start cheer or dance?
I have cheered on the side lines since grade school, and in competitive cheer 7th grade-12th for Durand Schools in Michigan. Then I began competitive cheer for UW where I have been now for 3 years.
If you cheer, what is your position (flyer, base, etc.)? If you dance, do you do solos?
I mostly fly, but I occasionally back spot.
If you cheer, what level/team are you on? If you dance, what style/team?
Our team is University Division 1, All-girl.
What is your favorite thing about cheering or dancing?
I love the rush of nerves you get right before heading on stage, and then the feeling you get when your routine starts and you nail every little thing.
What is your favorite stunt, tumble, leap, or turn? Can you do it or is it a work in progress?
I’m loving 3 high pyramids* right now. With flipping elements and splits.
* Three-high pyramids are University, or collegiate, skills performed at USASF Level 6.
What skill is your nemesis? Which are you most afraid of/frustrated with, or which do you always find a struggle?
I always have had a hard time with fulls. Any skill involving twisting will take a ton of extra practice and a very calm mind set from me. These types of skills almost always give me anxiety.
Do you have any quotes you live by?
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
-Winston Churchill
What tips would you give aspiring all stars?
Work on your skills every day, or at least stretch. No one realizes how much a little work every day can affect your progress. Also, it doesn’t matter what body type you are, if you want a certain position, work for it and anything is possible.
What do you do when you are not at cheer/dance?
I go to school full time double majoring in International Studies and Environmental Studies with a certificate in European Studies, and I work part time at the UW-Madison Office of Biosafety, so that takes up most of my time.
What is one thing that people find surprising about you?
That I am a flyer. Since I am 5’7” people usually assume I back spot, but I have been flying since middle school so that’s where my experience is.
What is in your cheer/dance bag?
Bows, bows, and more bows! Plus the usual-- glitter, hair ties, extra cheer shoes, Band-Aids. I always keep a couple fun size pieces of candy in there also, in case I get hungry.
Do you have a question you want to me to ask the athletes and coaches I profile? Or would you like to see your team or program featured? Get in touch with my by emailing