60 Day Six Pack Abs - Too Good to Be True?
I've been in the Bodybuilding game long enough to be horribly cynical about most of the new fangled Diets and Supplements that come along promising the Earth and swallowing bucket loads of desperate people's hard earned money.
Whenever I hear anything along the lines of '60 Day Six Pack Abs' my B.
S detector usually starts humming.
In my experience finding someone or something that will clearly tell it as it is can be like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
Yet the elusive goal of a set of 60 Day Six Pack Abs forged through hard work and a strict nutritional regime is indeed achievable.
But only if your Bodyfat is low enough (15% or less) to begin with.
Otherwise, you can follow the best system in the world but you will fail to see abs in 100 days if your are too fat, let alone a 60 day six pack Abs rack.
Yet, I remain open minded and generally optimistic, because every so often I come across a product or system that actually works a hell of a lot better than 90% of the competition and really does accelerate peoples results.
Mike Geary is a qualified Personal Trainer and Fitness journalist who for many years has been revealing the misinformation of the Diet and Supplement Industry.
His eBook -'The Truth About Six Pack Abs' has been an Internet best seller since its inception over four years ago.
I have to say it is a quality product.
Shunning Sit Ups and crunches all together his approach is made up of various non standard exercises and a carefully considered Diet which greatly promotes Fat Loss in order to reveal the '60 Day Six Pack Abs' that the book champions.
Its 97% satisfaction rate and countless testimonials led me to Review the eBook in greater depth.
After all, with 263,000 customers and counting, it certainly warrants a closer look.
Whenever I hear anything along the lines of '60 Day Six Pack Abs' my B.
S detector usually starts humming.
In my experience finding someone or something that will clearly tell it as it is can be like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
Yet the elusive goal of a set of 60 Day Six Pack Abs forged through hard work and a strict nutritional regime is indeed achievable.
But only if your Bodyfat is low enough (15% or less) to begin with.
Otherwise, you can follow the best system in the world but you will fail to see abs in 100 days if your are too fat, let alone a 60 day six pack Abs rack.
Yet, I remain open minded and generally optimistic, because every so often I come across a product or system that actually works a hell of a lot better than 90% of the competition and really does accelerate peoples results.
Mike Geary is a qualified Personal Trainer and Fitness journalist who for many years has been revealing the misinformation of the Diet and Supplement Industry.
His eBook -'The Truth About Six Pack Abs' has been an Internet best seller since its inception over four years ago.
I have to say it is a quality product.
Shunning Sit Ups and crunches all together his approach is made up of various non standard exercises and a carefully considered Diet which greatly promotes Fat Loss in order to reveal the '60 Day Six Pack Abs' that the book champions.
Its 97% satisfaction rate and countless testimonials led me to Review the eBook in greater depth.
After all, with 263,000 customers and counting, it certainly warrants a closer look.