"We Didn"t Get All We Wanted But It"s a Start," Said the Senator
We were hoping to have a bill that would fix our health care system, which we know to be broken.
But instead of fixing the problem, it appears that we are piling onto it with more.
Not long ago, I was watching an interview with one of the senators coming out of the committee with the new health care bill and he stated; "We Didn't Get All We Wanted but It's a Start.
" And I thought to myself, then what they are doing is a lie, because on one hand they are claiming to have fixed the health care system, which is utterly false, and that this bill is the solution.
But now they are admitting that this is only a start and what they plan to do is pile even more onto this in the future? I guess I better start a business in the health care sector like everyone else with their hands out? Meanwhile Medicare is a complete disaster financially.
Well, if this is what we call a start, I hope they never finish.
This is quite a problematic occurrence, because once the government starts an agency, it only grows from there.
So if this health care bill is a start, and they are going to add to it in the future, then obviously it's going to cost too much.
Even though the senators in the committee had whittled down most of the nonsense out of the bill, if this is just a start, the nonsense will be replaced in the future, so in essence what's the difference? After all, Social Security only started as one $1200 payment for an entire lifetime.
Now it is a monthly payment until you die and it is a $60 billion financial time bomb that could bankrupt the United States of America.
Of course when everybody in Congress voted for it during FDR's reign, everyone said the same thing "well, this is a start, to help older Americans," and yes, look where its led?