Coffee Break - an Excerpt from Journey into the Surreal
Let's see, I've been up for, 23.
2 minutes.
I've done the 'little private reading room' thing.
Clothes or something resembling clothes, are on.
A big yawn and stretch.
Man, that much exercise wore me out.
I need, coffee!! Now where is that darn machine? Oh, I know, ouch!! No, that's the door.
I'm missing something.
Oh, my glasses.
That should help a bit.
I headed out to the kitchen, found the carafe and started filling it with water.
Damn, it's cracked! After about an hour or so of looking, I found the glue, right where I knew it would be.
I slopped some glue on the crack.
Thank goodness there's a mini store next door.
I decided to go grab a cup of coffee there while I waited for the glue to dry.
Now that's better.
The world is coming into focus and the pounding in my head is not quite the jackhammer that it was.
I joyously skipped all the way back home.
(yeah, I skipped).
That was my second mistake of the day.
Coffee tends to bounce out of a cup when the cup holder is acting like Tigger.
I slurped the dregs from the bottom.
Back in the kitchen, I grabbed the well slathered with glue carafe and poured water in.
It stayed!!! Thanks to the coffee I managed to salvage from my foray next door, I can now see out of one eye and it's less of a blur out of the other.
Now where did I stuff that stupid machine? Ah, yes, it's in a box in the garage.
Gently, I opened the garage door.
It didn't budge.
A sharp yank finally moved it a fraction of an inch.
I headed back inside the house to find the aspirin and heating pad.
After throwing the aspirin down, I plugged in the heating pad.
I headed next door for another cup of Columbian while the wondrous flow of electricity puts heat into the little piece of cloth that I plugged in.
I walked back home (I learned my lesson about skipping with coffee).
Seated in my most comfortable (and only), chair, I let the warmth flow through my shoulder.
I also ponder why that door didn't come open but instead allowed me to wrack my arm.
Half an hour of heat and I feel something close to human.
I head back to the garage.
I think I'll try something different.
I turned the doorknob.
The door opens with ease.
Warning: Never try complicated operations like opening garage doors after only a few sips of coffee.
Garage doors know you are not ready and they put up a fight.
It took a bit, but I found the box.
Gently, I rip it open and manhandle the machine out of its cubicle.
Tucked under my arm, I play Quarterback and dash into the house.
I don't play sports, do quarterbacks dash? Oh well, this is my story, so they do.
Putting the machine on the counter, I plug it in.
Water is poured in and after taking everything out of the cupboards I find the coffee sitting on the table where I left it.
With a smug smile, I push the on button.
Crackle! Snap! I pull the plug and turn the ceiling fan on to get rid of the smoke.
Throwing on my shoes I head next door grabbing the shorted out beast and calmly pitch it in the dumpster.
This time I got a gigantic cup of coffee! Back at the house, I meander down to the basement.
Locating the fuse box, I try to figure out which one blew.
With the basement light on, I start to unscrew them one at a time.
Nope, that's not it.
I head back upstairs and only bump into a couple of walls.
The kitchen light is still out.
Of course it is.
The first fuse I unscrewed was for the basement lights.
At least I know right where the flashlight is.
I'm getting better; it only took forty-five minutes to find something that was right in front of me.
I head back downstairs.
I replace the fuse for the basement lights and try again.
Found it.
I head back up and turn on the television.
That's enough adventure for one day.
I add one more thing to the shopping list.
2 minutes.
I've done the 'little private reading room' thing.
Clothes or something resembling clothes, are on.
A big yawn and stretch.
Man, that much exercise wore me out.
I need, coffee!! Now where is that darn machine? Oh, I know, ouch!! No, that's the door.
I'm missing something.
Oh, my glasses.
That should help a bit.
I headed out to the kitchen, found the carafe and started filling it with water.
Damn, it's cracked! After about an hour or so of looking, I found the glue, right where I knew it would be.
I slopped some glue on the crack.
Thank goodness there's a mini store next door.
I decided to go grab a cup of coffee there while I waited for the glue to dry.
Now that's better.
The world is coming into focus and the pounding in my head is not quite the jackhammer that it was.
I joyously skipped all the way back home.
(yeah, I skipped).
That was my second mistake of the day.
Coffee tends to bounce out of a cup when the cup holder is acting like Tigger.
I slurped the dregs from the bottom.
Back in the kitchen, I grabbed the well slathered with glue carafe and poured water in.
It stayed!!! Thanks to the coffee I managed to salvage from my foray next door, I can now see out of one eye and it's less of a blur out of the other.
Now where did I stuff that stupid machine? Ah, yes, it's in a box in the garage.
Gently, I opened the garage door.
It didn't budge.
A sharp yank finally moved it a fraction of an inch.
I headed back inside the house to find the aspirin and heating pad.
After throwing the aspirin down, I plugged in the heating pad.
I headed next door for another cup of Columbian while the wondrous flow of electricity puts heat into the little piece of cloth that I plugged in.
I walked back home (I learned my lesson about skipping with coffee).
Seated in my most comfortable (and only), chair, I let the warmth flow through my shoulder.
I also ponder why that door didn't come open but instead allowed me to wrack my arm.
Half an hour of heat and I feel something close to human.
I head back to the garage.
I think I'll try something different.
I turned the doorknob.
The door opens with ease.
Warning: Never try complicated operations like opening garage doors after only a few sips of coffee.
Garage doors know you are not ready and they put up a fight.
It took a bit, but I found the box.
Gently, I rip it open and manhandle the machine out of its cubicle.
Tucked under my arm, I play Quarterback and dash into the house.
I don't play sports, do quarterbacks dash? Oh well, this is my story, so they do.
Putting the machine on the counter, I plug it in.
Water is poured in and after taking everything out of the cupboards I find the coffee sitting on the table where I left it.
With a smug smile, I push the on button.
Crackle! Snap! I pull the plug and turn the ceiling fan on to get rid of the smoke.
Throwing on my shoes I head next door grabbing the shorted out beast and calmly pitch it in the dumpster.
This time I got a gigantic cup of coffee! Back at the house, I meander down to the basement.
Locating the fuse box, I try to figure out which one blew.
With the basement light on, I start to unscrew them one at a time.
Nope, that's not it.
I head back upstairs and only bump into a couple of walls.
The kitchen light is still out.
Of course it is.
The first fuse I unscrewed was for the basement lights.
At least I know right where the flashlight is.
I'm getting better; it only took forty-five minutes to find something that was right in front of me.
I head back downstairs.
I replace the fuse for the basement lights and try again.
Found it.
I head back up and turn on the television.
That's enough adventure for one day.
I add one more thing to the shopping list.