Promotion Begins With The First Word
They are passionate about expressing themselves through words, but a lack of marketing knowledge can dampen their enthusiasm.
If this is you, then continue reading - there is hope!The success of your work is influenced by that very first word.
You must consider the marketability of your work before pouring your heart and soul into your efforts.
Explore your local bookstore to determine if your niche is too small or genre too large.
Make sure your book will fill a real need.
No one book appeals to all people, so know your target audience.
Examine the competition in depth.
Most book purchases are determined by either subject matter or the author's reputation.
Do you have enough status to be considered an expert in your field?If writing fiction, will the hook of your story be powerful enough to make you stand out from all the other authors in your genre?Take all of this into account before passionately writing a book you cannot sell.
Tie-ins play a key role in the success of a book as well.
Start asking yourself now - who would endorse my book?Mentioning specific products, companies, individuals and locations may garner endorsements if you do so favorably.
A celebrity endorsement, whether from an actor, an athlete or another author, will greatly increase the credibility of your work.
Do not forget organizations, non-profit groups or even political parties that might recommend your book or even use it for a fundraiser.
The setting of your story might be of great interest to the people who reside there and in fact could be your target audience.
Consider all of these aspects as you create your work.
You must also be aware of the length of your book.
When exploring the bookstore, look at the average length of books in your genre.
Will yours be too long or too short?Page sizes and fonts will vary, so think in terms of word count.
Research your genre thoroughly and be aware of the maximum and minimum word counts.
If you have set a deadline for yourself, be sure you will be able to complete the book within that time frame.
A 200,000-word novel cannot be finished in just two months!Be sure to allow time for research as well.
The promotion process begins with the writing phase.
If you do not prepare during this time, you may find it more difficult to properly market your book.
Do not miss any opportunity.
Write success into your book right now!