Get Cosmetic Surgery for the Right Reasons?
Peer pressure has never been good for making decisions. Doing anything because someone has talked you into it or to fit in with a certain crowd is never a good idea. Don't follow the crowd; trust your own instincts and inner wisdom. If choices are made based on personal preference, weighing the pros and cons ahead of time and quiet introspection, they are most likely to be the correct ones. Here are some things to think about when making your decision.
- Is there a part of your physical appearance that makes you feel insecure and embarrassed? Sometimes a person is ridiculed or shamed due to an unfortunate roll of the dice in terms of physical attributes. That extra large nose that you inherited from Uncle Ned or the ears that stick way out just like Aunt Sue's may cause so much discomfort through a person's life that they are just squelched by it.
A rhinoplasty or otoplasty can bring the awkward features into alignment with the rest of the person's face. When the unsightly features have been altered into a more normal and attractive look, a person's confidence soon increases and they can begin to focus on other aspects of their life, such as education or creative pursuits.
- Are you in an unhappy marriage with a partner who is constantly ogling other more attractive members of the opposite sex? Do you think that breast augmentation can make the ogling stop and your spouse to become enthralled with you instead? Don't be so sure. If a person is the type to be scoping other's curvaceous bodies that are probably not going to stop. But if a woman feels insecure and unworthy due to having a flat chest, a breast augmentation can be the right answer for her. The augmentation procedure can make her feel attractive and, in turn, elevate her confidence and self esteem which will spill into other areas of her life.
- Is someone else trying to talk you into have a surgical procedure done? Or do you want to look like the trendy members of your peer group? Just say no. The decision to have a procedure done should be because you want it done, not to please others.
- Are you dissatisfied with your life in general and think plastic surgery will solve your problems? It won't. It's a case of "where ever you go, there you are". Procedures of the cosmetic sort will enhance your looks and give you the confidence to go forward in other parts of your life, but it can't solve all of your problems.
- Is there a part of your physical appearance that makes you feel insecure and embarrassed? Sometimes a person is ridiculed or shamed due to an unfortunate roll of the dice in terms of physical attributes. That extra large nose that you inherited from Uncle Ned or the ears that stick way out just like Aunt Sue's may cause so much discomfort through a person's life that they are just squelched by it.
A rhinoplasty or otoplasty can bring the awkward features into alignment with the rest of the person's face. When the unsightly features have been altered into a more normal and attractive look, a person's confidence soon increases and they can begin to focus on other aspects of their life, such as education or creative pursuits.
- Are you in an unhappy marriage with a partner who is constantly ogling other more attractive members of the opposite sex? Do you think that breast augmentation can make the ogling stop and your spouse to become enthralled with you instead? Don't be so sure. If a person is the type to be scoping other's curvaceous bodies that are probably not going to stop. But if a woman feels insecure and unworthy due to having a flat chest, a breast augmentation can be the right answer for her. The augmentation procedure can make her feel attractive and, in turn, elevate her confidence and self esteem which will spill into other areas of her life.
- Is someone else trying to talk you into have a surgical procedure done? Or do you want to look like the trendy members of your peer group? Just say no. The decision to have a procedure done should be because you want it done, not to please others.
- Are you dissatisfied with your life in general and think plastic surgery will solve your problems? It won't. It's a case of "where ever you go, there you are". Procedures of the cosmetic sort will enhance your looks and give you the confidence to go forward in other parts of your life, but it can't solve all of your problems.