Renal Cancer Risk Factors
- The risk of getting renal cancer increases as you get older. The disease commonly occurs in individuals who are over the age of 60.
- Employees who are exposed to certain chemicals may have a higher risk of getting renal cancer. It is especially high for those who work around chemicals such as cadmium, asbestos and trichloroethylene.
- Obese individuals have a greater risk of having renal cancer than those of an average weight. Obesity causes certain hormonal changes that can lead to renal cancer. The American Cancer Society says that for two out of 10 cases, obesity is a factor.
- Smokers have a greater risk of getting renal cancer than nonsmokers. The increased risk is determined by how long an individual smokes during his lifetime, and the risk decreases after he quits.
- High blood pressure can also increase the risk of getting renal cancer. Studies show that taking certain medications for high blood pressure raises the risk for the disease. The American Cancer Society says it's unclear whether the increased risk was caused by the medication, the high blood pressure itself, or both.
High Blood Pressure