Diabetes Cure
- Insulin therapy is one of the most common treatments, which is often administered by doctors to cure patients suffering from diabetes. Patients are injected with specific amounts of artificial forms of insulin such as humalog, humulin R and isophane, which act as the natural form of insulin. It helps break down sugars into energy.
In another form of insulin therapy, a pump is used to administer synthetic insulin into people with diabetes. - Many drugs and medicines are prescribed by doctors to help patients suffering from diabetes. Some of the most common drugs include metformin, valsartan, hydroxychloroquine and rosiglitazone. These drugs help delay the progression of diabetes by reducing sugar levels in the body. According to a report published in the Journal of American Medical Association, hydroxychloroquine reduces the occurrence of diabetes by 75 percent to 80 percent.
- Doctors often recommend exercises and other activities to individuals suffering from diabetes. A regular schedule of exercise helps transport sugars present in the body to the cells, thus helping reduce the accumulation of sugars. Exercise also helps increase the sensitivity and reduce the dependence of the body on insulin. The body thus requires lower levels of insulin for the breakdown of sugars.
Insulin Therapy
Drugs and Medications
Physical Exercises