Real Estate Intranets & The Right Inexpensive Hardware for Brokerage Management
Real estate brokerage management can save money and improve customer and agent services with Intranets and new Netbooks for mobile offices.Learn how Intranets work, why they're secure and very inexpensive, and how to take your agents mobile for better service and cost savings.
1. What is An Intranet? - What Does It Do?
Learn what an Intranet is, as well as how it can change the way you manage your brokerage for the better.More »2. The Basic Functions of An Intranet As They Apply to Real Estate
There are certain office management functions and features provided by an online Intranet or web office.They involve the things you do every day, such as calendars, scheduling, task management and communication.However, they take it to the next level to save you costs and improve your service to both agents and customers.More »3. Real Estate Brokerage Intranet Functions
Real estate brokerage is a business immersed in details, documents and client communications.All of these are functions that are facilitated in an online environment with an Intranet.Let's look at some specific functions that an Intranet can handle for your brokerage.More »4. The Most Important Criteria In Choosing a Real Estate Intranet
All virtual office online intranets offer the same basic core of services and functionality.Learn what most do not offer that you absolutely need for your real estate intranet.More »5. Netbooks and Intranets - The Real Estate Brokerage Mobility Solution
You can make your agents happy, save office expenses, and serve your clients better by making your agents more mobile.The technology is available now, and the use of netbook computers and an Intranet can forever change the way you operate for the better.Oh yes, and cut your costs.More »