How to Eliminate Your Debts Today
Eliminating your debt is a very simple procedure that avoids Bankruptcy, IVA, consolidation loans etc Believe It or not, but your creditors cannot prove that your debts exist.
Without such proof, they cannot take legal action against you for non-payment and are forced to write the debt off in full.
Lets get back to starters, so that you may understand exactly what a credit agreement is, and how your credit agreements are unenforceable legally.
When you obtain a loan or credit card, you are led to believe that you are borrowing the banks money.
Unfortunately, the banks are NOT allowed to lend you their own money by law.
Where does the money come from then? You are being loaned "Bank Credit" which is simply fictitious figures on a computer screen, that you promise to pay back from your future income.
It is one of the cruelest deceptions that man has seen in the last 50 years, and yes, we have become victims of this Worldwide swindle.
The good thing, is that knowing this information, allows us to play the bankers at their own game.
Your credit/loan agreement is unenforceable for the following reasons: 1) It never states that you are creating "Bank Credit" with your own signature.
2) The lender doesn't sign your agreement, therefore it is a unilateral adhesion agreement for their gain and your detriment.
3) The lender brings nothing to the table, therefore has nothing to lose.
4) The name they are billing, is not the name on your Birth Certificate.
When you ask for proof of your debt, the lenders will fob you off and threaten you.
They cannot prove your debt exists, as their accounts actually balance.
If the money ever existed, it would be recorded as an outstanding liability in their own accounting records, and an invoice could be sent or even a signed affidavit.
Ask yourself why you've never had one of these? You will more than likely receive a copy of a statement, which is exactly that, a statement, and does not need to be paid, as it is not a bill! This is just the tip of the iceberg, don't fall for any debt management or debt consolidation programs, you really don't need them.