Four Fundamentals Of Marketing Your Business Should Follow
There are four fundamentals of marketing that your business should follow. Following these fundamentals will ensure that your company has as many customers as it wants. However, failure to follow these fundamentals will cause your company to languish with no hope in sight. What are these fundamentals that are so important to follow?
Show The Added Value Of Your Good Or Service
Any good marketing effort will show the customer why they so desperately need your good or service. It could be that your product will enhance the social standing of your customer. Your product may allow the customer to mow his lawn in half the time. Good marketing will convince consumers that there is value in your product.
Tell The Customers What They Want To Hear
A successful marketing campaign will tell the customers what they want to hear. This may mean you have to rely on stereotypes to create a message that resonates with people. Your company should do whatever it takes to convince the customer that your product is superior to all other products out there. Customers who feel there is a better product on the market will buy that product instead. For example, a key selling point for a new car may be its gas mileage. People tend to want cars that are good on gas mileage because it saves money.
Get The Product Into The Hands Of Consumers
New companies may offer free samples of their product for customers to try. It also may be a good idea to get your product into the hands of a celebrity. People tend to think that a product is better when a celebrity uses it. The idea behind offering a free sample is to get people to use your product without having to commit. Those who enjoy your product will most likely purchase more in the future. However, it is impossible to get people to like your product without trying it first.
Pricing Is Everything
It is easy to get people to buy a product if the price is right. It has been proven that people are more likely to take your trash if it is free. Creating a low price point may encourage people to take a chance on your product as there is little to be lost if your product isn't very good.
Consider using .99 as the ending to your prices. Research has shown that consumer will be more likely to disregard the last two digits of a product. A price of $19.99 is more likely to be seen as $19 by customers as opposed to $20.
Ironically, you may consider charging more if you are offering a service. It is thought that people perceive more value when they pay more money. Your accounting firm may get more customers if they charge $100 an hour as opposed to $50 an hour.
Successfully marketing your product will allow your company to expand its customer base. More customers will mean higher revenues and profits for your business. Following the four fundamentals above will allow your business to have as many customers as it wants.
Show The Added Value Of Your Good Or Service
Any good marketing effort will show the customer why they so desperately need your good or service. It could be that your product will enhance the social standing of your customer. Your product may allow the customer to mow his lawn in half the time. Good marketing will convince consumers that there is value in your product.
Tell The Customers What They Want To Hear
A successful marketing campaign will tell the customers what they want to hear. This may mean you have to rely on stereotypes to create a message that resonates with people. Your company should do whatever it takes to convince the customer that your product is superior to all other products out there. Customers who feel there is a better product on the market will buy that product instead. For example, a key selling point for a new car may be its gas mileage. People tend to want cars that are good on gas mileage because it saves money.
Get The Product Into The Hands Of Consumers
New companies may offer free samples of their product for customers to try. It also may be a good idea to get your product into the hands of a celebrity. People tend to think that a product is better when a celebrity uses it. The idea behind offering a free sample is to get people to use your product without having to commit. Those who enjoy your product will most likely purchase more in the future. However, it is impossible to get people to like your product without trying it first.
Pricing Is Everything
It is easy to get people to buy a product if the price is right. It has been proven that people are more likely to take your trash if it is free. Creating a low price point may encourage people to take a chance on your product as there is little to be lost if your product isn't very good.
Consider using .99 as the ending to your prices. Research has shown that consumer will be more likely to disregard the last two digits of a product. A price of $19.99 is more likely to be seen as $19 by customers as opposed to $20.
Ironically, you may consider charging more if you are offering a service. It is thought that people perceive more value when they pay more money. Your accounting firm may get more customers if they charge $100 an hour as opposed to $50 an hour.
Successfully marketing your product will allow your company to expand its customer base. More customers will mean higher revenues and profits for your business. Following the four fundamentals above will allow your business to have as many customers as it wants.