The Laceration Repair Problem Folks
The laceration repair problem folks that's a level one die well okay this is really under documented it's a seven-year-old fell forehead we didn't do a neuron we didn't check anything else no other complaints you know they're system review request USE any documentation up anything other than orientation I'll I was a terrible chart punishes Sosa her watch he is a lot of singers yeah 26 loll it's a sec pump this thing up thoughtless did didn't eat this you yes yeah so here's the info CT sowed give.
You little one now Medicare went farther than that medicare's said look is an issue reasonable and necessary here he and in Emma be bill depending on the extent the history exam person sustains a superficial lack I am that has no additional I you walking into a I jagged edge matronly require the repair the lack is no additional head injury needs to be considered but a reviewer in this case would feel comfortable coding this in a problem focused level a little more attention the possibility for Thursday sis were neurological exam in a patient with a head injury laceration would have made this a solid expanded problem focused exam so medicare went farther in said if you to document it narrow this would've been a three as well would have okay so but as documented he could only be coated as they want so there's another. patient.
Now this is this is actually seen by am mid-level in this is the same mid-level that we saw the last chart on and this mid level is struggling to that to deal with emergency care don't sell this patient seen on that issue visions action so and so this church got a problem cut its gonna roving fracture the fracture moved three times starts on left index finger then a goes in the primal failing tithe left index a now in our down here the fifth and final diagnosis and open fractured left first metacarpal Garcinia Cambogia Infusion so where is I got I got three fingers you I don't know which fracture this is that's the first problem right so that's a problem in itself 'me payers picked that up by the way when they read the chart they said I can tell you what PCT code used for the procedure because I don't even know where the fractures but this is all per-operative stuff think I there's nothing there 65-year-old injured his left index finger how what happened banging on the door fall on it.
You little one now Medicare went farther than that medicare's said look is an issue reasonable and necessary here he and in Emma be bill depending on the extent the history exam person sustains a superficial lack I am that has no additional I you walking into a I jagged edge matronly require the repair the lack is no additional head injury needs to be considered but a reviewer in this case would feel comfortable coding this in a problem focused level a little more attention the possibility for Thursday sis were neurological exam in a patient with a head injury laceration would have made this a solid expanded problem focused exam so medicare went farther in said if you to document it narrow this would've been a three as well would have okay so but as documented he could only be coated as they want so there's another. patient.
Now this is this is actually seen by am mid-level in this is the same mid-level that we saw the last chart on and this mid level is struggling to that to deal with emergency care don't sell this patient seen on that issue visions action so and so this church got a problem cut its gonna roving fracture the fracture moved three times starts on left index finger then a goes in the primal failing tithe left index a now in our down here the fifth and final diagnosis and open fractured left first metacarpal Garcinia Cambogia Infusion so where is I got I got three fingers you I don't know which fracture this is that's the first problem right so that's a problem in itself 'me payers picked that up by the way when they read the chart they said I can tell you what PCT code used for the procedure because I don't even know where the fractures but this is all per-operative stuff think I there's nothing there 65-year-old injured his left index finger how what happened banging on the door fall on it.