How to Make a Double Ladder Golf Game
- 1). Purchase or portion out PVC piping with a saw. You will need seven 2-foot and eight 1-foot piping pieces.
- 2). Place elbow connectors on the ends of a 2-foot piece of piping.
- 3). Point connectors in the same direction and put 1-foot pieces of piping into them with a T-connector going on the end of each.
- 4). Angle T-connectors inward, leaving the open ends facing each other. Place a 2-foot piece of piping between the T-connectors to link them.
- 5). Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until you have a ladder structure 3 feet long, with three rungs consisting of the sections of 2-foot piping, creating the ladder structure. This is the ladder portion of your ladder golf game.
- 1). Put elbow connectors on the ends of a 2-foot piping piece.
- 2). Angle connectors in a corresponding direction and add 1-foot piping pieces to each.
- 3). Top piping pieces with T-connectors. Be certain to connect the T-connectors so as to angle the diverging connector perpendicular to piping it is connected to.
- 4). Connect 2-foot piping pieces to the parallel inputs of the T-connectors and place elbow connectors on the open ends.
- 5). Angle elbow connectors inward and connect with a 2-foot section of piping. This should finish the construction of a rectangle with the upward-facing inputs. Connect the previously completed ladder portion to the open connectors of the base portion to complete the ladder. Repeat sections 1 and 2 to build the second ladder.
- 1). Drill a hole through a golf ball.
- 2). Tie a knot on one end of a piece of nylon rope and slide two golf balls onto the rope.
- 3). Portion off enough rope to separate the golf balls by 12 inches, then cut the rope and tie off the open end. This is the golf ball "bolo."
- 4). Repeat Steps 1 through 3 until you have 6 "bolos."
Ladder Construction
Ladder Base Construction
Golf Ball Bolo Construction