Tall, Unfriendly Hooded Being
Lots of things happened to me when I was younger that to this day I can't explain. This event is one that will always scare me.
I was sleeping fine until I suddenly woke up. I looked at my clock, which was straight in front of me at the end of my bed and the time was 3:45 a.m. I never wake up in the night. I usually sleep straight through, and I knew it was strange because as I woke I was still tired.
I had an orange light that I kept on the floor to the side of my bed. I could see it no matter what position I was in as long as I was facing toward it. In this case, I couldn't.
I started to panic when I realized I had to move to see this light, and my heart really started to pump when I saw the parting of someone's legs. I looked up and the figure I saw was so tall that its head was touching the ceiling. I tried looking at its face, but there wasn't one. I only saw the outline of what looked like a hood. It was triangular and just hung down over its face. It was just a tall, dark, massive figure staring down at me.
I don't know what it wanted and and I don't want to know because to me it didn't seem like a friendly entity.
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I was sleeping fine until I suddenly woke up. I looked at my clock, which was straight in front of me at the end of my bed and the time was 3:45 a.m. I never wake up in the night. I usually sleep straight through, and I knew it was strange because as I woke I was still tired.
I had an orange light that I kept on the floor to the side of my bed. I could see it no matter what position I was in as long as I was facing toward it. In this case, I couldn't.
I started to panic when I realized I had to move to see this light, and my heart really started to pump when I saw the parting of someone's legs. I looked up and the figure I saw was so tall that its head was touching the ceiling. I tried looking at its face, but there wasn't one. I only saw the outline of what looked like a hood. It was triangular and just hung down over its face. It was just a tall, dark, massive figure staring down at me.
I don't know what it wanted and and I don't want to know because to me it didn't seem like a friendly entity.
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