What Are Bleeding Internal Hemorrhoids?
Usually when someone realizes they have bleeding internal hemorrhoids, it is in fact because of the blood they find after having a bowel movement.
Because these problems are they way they are, there are few other symptoms that go along with them besides the appearance of blood after a bowel movement.
External piles are a different story than internal bleeding piles.
When they are on the outside of the anus, there are far too many times in a day when they are agitated by walking, sitting or wiping.
Bleeding internal hemorrhoids on the other hand, do not have to deal with constant itchiness and irritation when the skin is rubbed together throughout daily activity.
Because of their location, bleeding internal hemorrhoids are really only in a fight with themselves rather than their surroundings.
They are located up inside of the anal region and are therefore not effected by wiping after bowel movements or sitting or walking.
Luckily, in fact, bleeding internal hemorrhoids are probably one of the least painful forms of your problem.
The question remains, though.
Why do they bleed? As with any case, the reason they bleed is because they have dealt with too much pressure and the veins have torn.
The pressure has not come from wiping too hard after bowel movements or too much walking.
It usually is caused by constipation among a number of other contributing factors to the development of your problem.
Pregnancy can also cause excess pressure on your anal veins.
As mentioned before, constipation leads to excess straining for long periods of time to have a bowel movement as well as to sit for a long period of time.
When the anal vein has endured that much pressure for an extended period of time, it is inevitable to end up with bleeding internal hemorrhoids.
The good news is that your specific problem can be healed and prevented.
It is simply a matter of strengthening your veins, and reducing the pressure which will allow them to heal themselves.
Your body wants to heal.
It is made to heal.
Giving it the proper nutrition and other resources will allow it to do just that.
And then magically your bleeding internal hemorrhoids will go away.
They can go away forever if you change a few habits.
Eat more fiber.
And find a bleeding internal hemorrhoids treatment that focuses on relieving constipation and strengthening veins.
Because these problems are they way they are, there are few other symptoms that go along with them besides the appearance of blood after a bowel movement.
External piles are a different story than internal bleeding piles.
When they are on the outside of the anus, there are far too many times in a day when they are agitated by walking, sitting or wiping.
Bleeding internal hemorrhoids on the other hand, do not have to deal with constant itchiness and irritation when the skin is rubbed together throughout daily activity.
Because of their location, bleeding internal hemorrhoids are really only in a fight with themselves rather than their surroundings.
They are located up inside of the anal region and are therefore not effected by wiping after bowel movements or sitting or walking.
Luckily, in fact, bleeding internal hemorrhoids are probably one of the least painful forms of your problem.
The question remains, though.
Why do they bleed? As with any case, the reason they bleed is because they have dealt with too much pressure and the veins have torn.
The pressure has not come from wiping too hard after bowel movements or too much walking.
It usually is caused by constipation among a number of other contributing factors to the development of your problem.
Pregnancy can also cause excess pressure on your anal veins.
As mentioned before, constipation leads to excess straining for long periods of time to have a bowel movement as well as to sit for a long period of time.
When the anal vein has endured that much pressure for an extended period of time, it is inevitable to end up with bleeding internal hemorrhoids.
The good news is that your specific problem can be healed and prevented.
It is simply a matter of strengthening your veins, and reducing the pressure which will allow them to heal themselves.
Your body wants to heal.
It is made to heal.
Giving it the proper nutrition and other resources will allow it to do just that.
And then magically your bleeding internal hemorrhoids will go away.
They can go away forever if you change a few habits.
Eat more fiber.
And find a bleeding internal hemorrhoids treatment that focuses on relieving constipation and strengthening veins.