Feed the hungry through Akshaya Patra – a children charity

The Millennium Development Goals set forth by the United Nations led all the countries across the globe to gear up and work towards the specified goals. Among all the goals two goals that concerned India were: MDG 1 - to end Poverty & Hunger and MDG 2 – to achieve Universal Education. In a responsive manner, The Government of India initiated many schemes pertaining to eradication of poverty and hunger and also to boost universal education. The two most effective schemes in this regard are the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan (SSA) and Mid-Day Meal Scheme(MDMS). With the implementation of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan, the Government along with associated NGOs worked towards bringing children to school and thus fulfilling the right to primary education. But, the socio-economic scenario of India where children are seen as an extra hand to earn and feed the hungry stomach, a more convincing programme had to back the SSA. To this, Mid-Day Meal Scheme came by as an answer.
The MDMS is a potential initiative of the Indian Government towards feeding the hungry children at school and countering classroom hunger. It also helps in retaining children at school because parents too willingly send their children to school with the hope for that one wholesome meal that the children receive. In 2003, after the Supreme Court's order of providing cooked mid-day meal to children in all Government schools, Akshaya Patra, the children charity partnered as an implementing arm for the same. Though Akshaya Patra had begun serving cooked meal at five of Bangalore's Government school since June 2000, but the 2003 development was an welcome progression tofeed the hungry children through the medium of Public-Private Partnership approach.
Like any other NGO, this children charity too depends on the involvement and support from the society. This children charity offers various ways for its donors and supporters to get involved with the cause of feeding the hungry. Right from opting for contributing a donation online to using their skills and spend a day with the children or optimising their social networking to spread awareness, a supporter can choose from a wide range of getting involved Akshaya Patra. The below links is an easy access for you to become a catalyst for change. Visit
https://www.akshayapatra.org/onlinedonations for contributing donation online, other offline donation options and Corporate Social Responsibility partnerships
http://www.akshayapatra.org/get-involved for Volunteering
Stories of Hope will introduce you to a world of dreams and aspirations - a testimony to the impact that comes with your instant click at donate online. Your contribution of just Rs. 750 can feed one child for one whole year.
Feed today for a hunger free tomorrow!