Postural Drainage: Upper Lobes (Back)
Postural Drainage: Upper Lobes (Back)
Illustration adapted with permission from the University of Wisconsin Medical School.
Have the child lean forward 30 degrees. Clap with a cupped hand between the collarbone and shoulder blade on each side of the back.
ByHealthwise Staff
Primary Medical ReviewerJohn Pope, MD - Pediatrics
Specialist Medical ReviewerCatherine O'Malley, RRT - Respiratory Therapy
Postural Drainage: Upper Lobes (Back)
Illustration adapted with permission from the University of Wisconsin Medical School.
Have the child lean forward 30 degrees. Clap with a cupped hand between the collarbone and shoulder blade on each side of the back.
ByHealthwise Staff
Primary Medical ReviewerJohn Pope, MD - Pediatrics
Specialist Medical ReviewerCatherine O'Malley, RRT - Respiratory Therapy