The Destruction of Our Educational System

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The teachers union with all its far flung branches seems to have become a speaking platform for the democratic party and they have their own agenda for promoting the far left of their party.
It appears to some that the teachers union is only interested in one thing and that is to promote more money for themselves so they can hire more teachers to expand the unions reach and control over the educational system .
They apparently have input about promoting controversial issues like gay and lesbian rights into school books for grade school age students.
No one should teach any small children about any kind of sexual preferences.
In today's system it is almost impossible to fire a bad teacher for any cause.
Even the one's who write song's and have the children sing about the president as if he were a god in ordinary form.
Can you imagine the uproar that would have ensued if any teacher had done the same thing for George Bush? The outrage would have been heard around the world.
The teacher would have been fired and hounded by the press and their would have been hundreds of stories printed denouncing her.
This union must be broken up into state unions under the control of local school boards by parents.
This has gone to far with socialist leaning people all around the President in educational positions picked out by people around the union.
The children of this country are falling behind in every major area of education like math, chemistry, physics, medicine, and all other branches of higher learning.
The only thing we have to many of is LAWYERS.
Why don't we have anti trust laws for unions.
They are too big now and powerful and with the money we supply them with to educate the children, they apparently use for political purposes.
They must not be allowed to contribute ANY money to any political party or candidate or to use the money to influence any legislation that comes before the house or senate.
They have very little controls placed on them from any agency within government to rein them in when they go astray of educational duties.
Sometimes it seems as if they are a political party organization and do what their political party bosses tell them to.
I have yet to see any real advances in teaching programs or of rising scores from students in any school districts anywhere in the country.
The only forward looking programs come from charter schools and private schools that are not under the thumbs of the unions.
The unions continue to exert their power over the people of our nation to the detriment of our entire educational system.
They also spend vast amounts of money to elect people who are good (Friends) to the unions and do their bidding.
If we do not get them back to what they are chartered to be doing then we must demand they be dismantled and our schools must turn to parents to run things from local boards and state unions that can be established in place of the one enormous unwieldy conglomeration.
I believe we must work towards those ends if we want to survive in the world and have our own children receive the advantages we want for them.
California for example has the largest classroom size with twelve percent of students being illegal.
They place 47th out of 50th in money spent per student for education.
and the results are not as promised.
It is just beginning to be understood by parents that they have the power to change things as shown by so called tea party groups and town hall meetings and by concerned parents around the country where people are fed up with the direction our country is heading.
The great many promises made by politicians over the years to advance public school scores.
From President Johnson's great society beginnings, up until today, Special educational advancement promises that have never amounted to more than campaign rhetoric.
Empty promises that appear every year around election time.
Over and over, people are given promise after promise that once the elections are over never materialize.
If we want our centers for higher learning to become what they once were, then we have to demand changes that benefit the students and not the union.
I am just a grandfather of five that has seen the decline in education all around me.
Everything today has to be politically correct and that especially goes for homosexual or gay rights.
The gay group leaders are, and have been pushing for what they consider their rights.
If it were only just for their rights that they march, I don't see how people would refuse them.
I can see no harm in allowing gay couples the rights legal partners have but that's not what they are after.
They do everything in their power to force their beliefs onto others by sponsoring school books about why Mary has two mommies or daddies.
We do not want these things taught in grade school to children unable to comprehend the complex ramifications of the lifestyle and certainly not the way they want it taught.
They do not want acceptance but approval for their lifestyle.
They want the rest of the country to accept their sex lives as if it were normal.
It is not.
Our bodies were created for a man and a woman to come together and produce children.
To raise them and teach them the ways of each particular religion as decent God fearing adults and as far as I can find, no religion accepts homosexuality as normal.
I personally do not want sex education taught in school to small children..
It should be left to parents of middle school level students and not taught in grade school.
Biology was once a very important part of school curriculum.
The human body was once taught in the normal course of every child's education.
Now it is force fed and twisted around to promote gay positions from Mary has two mommies or daddies to how to place a condom onto a cucumber.
They are all designed to indoctrinate children to the homosexual lifestyle.
It must stop! I do not believe any thinking person wants to keep people from achieving equality under the law.
These things have no place in our educational system.
It has become subverted and manipulated into an arm of the FAR left of the democratic party to satisfy the way out leanings of very definitely anti Christian people.
If they will not be accepted as normal then they denounce that part of it and say it does not apply to their version of Christianity.
I would like to know where they receive the money to bring so many lawsuits against Christian's up to the Supreme court every year? Who are the people that back them? Why are they so vociferous and angry and full of venom towards Christian's? That is a question I have asked over and over and never received an answer that made a lot of sense.
If they do not believe, why do they feel so much animosity towards those that do.
No answer! They always seem to forget that the vast majority of Americans are Christian's and we will allow some restrictions as long as they conform to the constitution, but when it comes to restricting our right to observe our faith we will fight back to the last man standing.
I personally will never accept the new money they want to create with " IN GOD WE TRUST " removed.
It seems they will never be satisfied until they remove every vestige of religion from our schools and courts and all government buildings and our money.
This nation was founded by Christian's and our constitution was written by God fearing people under His commandments and principals.
If the minority of atheists do not wish to live under Gods principals, from where we designed our constitution.
then they have a right to go anywhere they wish.
They do not have to live here and if they can find a better place, let them go there.
No one is forced to worship any God in this country but do not tell us we cannot follow our own beliefs.
This country was founded by religious men who believed in God and wrote a constitution that specifically allowed freedom of religion to every person and did not force anyone to follow any religion.
They also declared that no one in or out of government could make any law to prohibit the free exercise of any religion or stop anyone from observing their religion or practicing it in the manner they choose.
The unions in America were founded by people who wanted a fair shake for their members with decent working conditions and health coverage.
These were worthy goals and badly needed at the time when big business treated its people like equipment that wears out and is discarded.
Those days are far behind us to a great extent but now the unions have become so big and flushed with money that they resemble the big businesses with little regard for its members as long as management receives their just rewards.
Every union should be under the control of some authorities to regulate.
They should never be allowed to grow so huge that they can paralyze a country nationwide or have such power that they can force issues before congress that benefit themselves alone.
They pass rules and regulations that make it almost impossible to fire a teacher for incompetence or sexual misconduct with students.
Their should be very strict background checks for people to become a teacher to small children under the age of fifteen.
We very definitely do need the unions and I was a member of another union and they did a great deal of good.
They must be strong enough to protect their members from unfair practices by employers but they also have to be well regulated by an independent arm of government with enforceable rights over the unions.
Their are so many outcomes possible from an educational system on the wrong track.
Socialists seem to be planning the dissolution of our government by financial means first and then by control of its institutions one by one.
The people the President has placed around himself and throughout his government positions are those from his past, drawn from Chicago's so called Daley political machine.
The most allegedly corrupt city in America besides Las Vegas.
So far He has appointed 30 czars to fill posts all through his administration.
These are people from his background in Chicago politics.
They mostly came from socialist backgrounds in politics and Marxist teachings that lean towards communist goals.
It would be a wonderful world where everyone was equal in every aspect of life, in short the way Christ envisioned heaven on earth.
Everyone respected and cared for each other and life was equal in every respect.
That can never happen because of mans inherent evil and greed that permeates our society.
Our jails are filled to bursting with criminals that prey on our population in every way imaginable from petty criminals to mass murderers.
Why do we have the largest prison population as a percentage of any country in the world? The list goes on and on from students that drop out and turn to crime and drugs and every crime that they can imagine.
It all starts from a school system that does not work as it once did.
Drop outs have increased to a frightening level in big city schools.
We have to do something and we have to do it now.
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