Patio Pet Potty - Your PetWill Love This!
If you're looking for a patio pet potty, you will love the Porch Potty.
It is designed to be used on a patio or balcony and is self contained and convenient to use.
And the dogs just love it! In fact, a very famous dog named Tillman, never leaves home without one! Tillman the skateboarding Bulldog uses his Porch Potty when he's on the road or at special events.
He even took it on a float when he was invited to ride in the Rose Bowl parade! They placed the it in the center of the ring and when Tillman had to go, he just hopped off his skateboard and took a "potty break"! It is perfect for people that live in condos or apartments where access to grassy areas is limited.
And what's really nice is the convenience it provides for the dog owner as well as the dog.
No more worrying about potential accidents that might happen.
It has its own self watering system and can be programed to come on each night and clean itself! It is the only patio pet potty with a built in drain so you don't need to worry about pans overflowing.
And that can be very messy! So if you're looking for a patio pet potty, be sure and check out the Porch Potty.
It really does stand out above all the rest when it comes to quality and price.
Your dog will just love you for it and you'll be so glad you did.
It is designed to be used on a patio or balcony and is self contained and convenient to use.
And the dogs just love it! In fact, a very famous dog named Tillman, never leaves home without one! Tillman the skateboarding Bulldog uses his Porch Potty when he's on the road or at special events.
He even took it on a float when he was invited to ride in the Rose Bowl parade! They placed the it in the center of the ring and when Tillman had to go, he just hopped off his skateboard and took a "potty break"! It is perfect for people that live in condos or apartments where access to grassy areas is limited.
And what's really nice is the convenience it provides for the dog owner as well as the dog.
No more worrying about potential accidents that might happen.
It has its own self watering system and can be programed to come on each night and clean itself! It is the only patio pet potty with a built in drain so you don't need to worry about pans overflowing.
And that can be very messy! So if you're looking for a patio pet potty, be sure and check out the Porch Potty.
It really does stand out above all the rest when it comes to quality and price.
Your dog will just love you for it and you'll be so glad you did.