How to Speed Up Metabolism to Lose Weight? - Some Proven Ways That Work
A lot of people are facing with gaining weight when getting older.
This is because your metabolism rate is decreasing.
Even you eat the same amount as in the past, your weight still increases.
Some people may be lucky born with a high metabolism, but mostly are not.
Now I will tell you some ways that work in speeding up your metabolism: 1.
Start with a healthy breakfast.
If you skip the meal because you hurry to go to work or with any reasons, you will feel sorry with its result.
Not having breakfast can make your metabolic rate is reduced since your body does not receive any food throughout the night.
Therefore, eating a healthy breakfast can helps to speed up your metabolic rate and make your brain feel fresh getting ready for your activities in the day.
Eating every couple of hours throughout the day.
By eating 5-6 small meals a day, it can help to boost up your metabolism rather than 1-2 large meals.
It found that we use 10% of the calories on digesting and absorbing food.
So when you have more food, this process is likely to be.
Add more fiber in your meal.
As the matter of fact, the amount of fiber in your meal is related with your metabolic speed.
In addition, fiber also helps to eliminate waste out of the body and friendly to your digestive system.
Then you should increase more fresh vegetables and raw fruits in your diet every day.
Spice up your meals.
You should try spicy food added with some spices like chili or pepper.
Spices are thought to raise metabolism up to 50% and up to 3 hours after eating.
Due to your heart rate is increased.
Try to exercise first thing after waking up.
From the research, it is found that fat burning is increased dramatically when exercising after fasted state.
So try to get up early in the morning then you can have time to enjoy with your exercising.
Incorporating strength training in your exercise.
Due to muscle is the only tissue in your body that burns fat.
That means more muscle you have, more fat in the body are burnt.
And the only thing to increase muscle is do strength training.
This is because your metabolism rate is decreasing.
Even you eat the same amount as in the past, your weight still increases.
Some people may be lucky born with a high metabolism, but mostly are not.
Now I will tell you some ways that work in speeding up your metabolism: 1.
Start with a healthy breakfast.
If you skip the meal because you hurry to go to work or with any reasons, you will feel sorry with its result.
Not having breakfast can make your metabolic rate is reduced since your body does not receive any food throughout the night.
Therefore, eating a healthy breakfast can helps to speed up your metabolic rate and make your brain feel fresh getting ready for your activities in the day.
Eating every couple of hours throughout the day.
By eating 5-6 small meals a day, it can help to boost up your metabolism rather than 1-2 large meals.
It found that we use 10% of the calories on digesting and absorbing food.
So when you have more food, this process is likely to be.
Add more fiber in your meal.
As the matter of fact, the amount of fiber in your meal is related with your metabolic speed.
In addition, fiber also helps to eliminate waste out of the body and friendly to your digestive system.
Then you should increase more fresh vegetables and raw fruits in your diet every day.
Spice up your meals.
You should try spicy food added with some spices like chili or pepper.
Spices are thought to raise metabolism up to 50% and up to 3 hours after eating.
Due to your heart rate is increased.
Try to exercise first thing after waking up.
From the research, it is found that fat burning is increased dramatically when exercising after fasted state.
So try to get up early in the morning then you can have time to enjoy with your exercising.
Incorporating strength training in your exercise.
Due to muscle is the only tissue in your body that burns fat.
That means more muscle you have, more fat in the body are burnt.
And the only thing to increase muscle is do strength training.