You And Me
I sometimes wonder what is the difference between you and me.
We at times quarell with each other over trivial matters.
The next moment we forget our anger and fight the battle of life with zeal and vigor.
We are the two banks of the same river.
On the river bed our minds merge with each other.
We forget all our anger understanding the life's battle.
Judging the challenges of life we come close to each other.
We are the children of the same Lord and we advance on the path modifying our anger.
By your anger sometimes I feel upset and the next moment I forget receiving your love.
Our quarell makes us refined to face the life situations in a beautiful manner.
You become angry and I become passionate understanding your contribution to the life's battle.
Some times I take it granted that you are my guide,friend and philosopher.
We deeply study each other and try to create a beautiful atmosphere.
Deep within us we find ourselves in absolute love.
Feeling the vibrations of love in our brain,body and mind we come closer to the Lord.
Forgetting our differences we carry forward our life boat.
I become able to hear your silent songs.
You think of your childrens' future with your heart and soul.
To keep our family happy and contented I pray to the Lord.
I understand your anger and try to bear that with smiles and love.
I try my level best to reduce your sorrows.
Sometimes you misunderstand me and take my silence as an expression of anger.
But I have cultivated the habit of silence in an adverse situation.
You understand my battle and I sense in you pure love.
You and me accept all the contradictions.
Mantaining a perfect balance between the contradictions we try to live in love.
You sometimes spread light in my dark chamber.
Forgetting my sorrows I embrace you with my heart and soul.
Though I am at a distance but your love keeps me vibrant and young.
I understand that we are made for each other and our love will be carried forward to the next generation.
Remembering you,your anger and love I move on the path of life with zeal and vigor.
I accept the apparent contradictions of life and carry forward our family boat.
I do not know how far I have been able to remove your sorrows.
But one thing I am sure that we are inside the lovely lap of the Lord.
Lord gives His blessings and advise us at the times anger.
He understands us more than us and gives His love.
Under the stars filled sky and the full moon we merge in the beauties of the nature.
Our minds become one and we forget our anger.
By the soft rays of the moon we embrace each other.
A new creation is created out of our love.
We recognize our creation waking up afresh and alive in the dawn.
Nurturing the creation we forget our anger.
We never quarell with each other as before.
Giving respect to our creation we become bound by love.
Our creation is our future and it gives us strength to walk on the path of life with zeal and vigor.
I see no difference between you and me and see in our relationships the smiling face of the Lord.
Making our lives smooth and sublime He protects us from all dangers.
When ever I try to find the diffrence between you and me I fail and merge in the glories of the Lord.
In our hearts of hearts we love each other.
Till the last breath of our life this love will save us from all dangers.
We give light to each other and work for our family with zeal and vigor.
For the sake of our creations we try to remain very close to each other and love the life's river.