Guided Imagery for Childbirth
- Assuming a state of total relaxation is key for guided imagery to work well. Start by assuming a position conducive to relaxation such as side lying, sitting cross legged on a bed or floor, or in a semi-reclining position. The body should be supported with plenty of pillows so that there is no stress on any one part of the body. For instance when side lying, place a pillow under the top leg to reduce straining the lower back and place pillows under the arms and knees when in the semi-reclining position.
Once in a comfortable position, close your eyes and concentrate on releasing tension from your body by consciously relaxing parts of the body that are holding in stress like tensed shoulders, neck, hands and legs. Work up from the feet to the top of the head relaxing each part of the body until your body feels limp and loosened up.
Keep your environment conducive to relaxation by playing soft music or nature sounds in the background, keeping the lights low or using candlelight, and wearing loose fitting clothing. - Next let your breathing become slow and deep from the diaphragm. Chest breathing causes tension whereas deep breathing helps relax the body. With your eyes still closed, concentrate on your breathing thinking of completely relaxing the body as you exhale all the tension away. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth for maximum benefit.
It is helpful during childbirth for someone to remind the laboring woman of her breathing techniques since it is common to tense up during contractions, which makes the experience more painful and harder. - Now it is time to use positive visualizations or guided imagery. This can be done by either listening to a CD or having someone talk you through it. Some of the most common imagery used during childbirth include having the laboring woman picture her unborn baby in the womb feeling warm, safe and secure. This image helps the woman focus on her baby, taking her mind off of the contractions and she feels safe and secure also knowing that her baby is OK. Also encouraging the laboring woman to picture her cervix opening like a flower to let the baby be born helps the woman relax and let go, making the birth process more comfortable and in turn can help the cervix to open up easier. And finally, help the laboring woman visualize her baby moving lower into the pelvis as it prepares to be born. These images give the woman something to focus on, stimulate her brain and creates a relaxed feeling in the woman and more comfortable childbirth.
Breathing Techniques
Positive Visualizations