How to Install the Apache HTTP Server
- 1). Download the latest source code from the Apache website.
- 2). Open a terminal window. The terminal window will be found in the operating system's main "Application" menu, under either "System Tools" or "Utilities." You will be presented with a command prompt where you will type the following commands.
- 3). Type the command "tar -zxvf httpd-<version>.tar.gz" to extract the source code. Replace <version> with the current version number.
- 4). Type "cd httpd-<version>" to move into the source code directory.
- 5). Type "./configure" to build the libraries.
- 6). Type "make" to compile the source code.
- 7). Type "su" to change to the root user.
- 8). Type "make install" to install the binaries.
- 9). Type "exit" to exit the root session.
- 1). Download the Apache .rpm package from the Apache website.
- 2). Open a terminal window. The terminal window will be found in the operating system's main "Application" menu, under either "System Tools" or "Utilities." You will be presented with a command prompt where you will type the following commands.
- 3). Type the command "su" to switch to the root user.
- 4). Type the command "rpm -iv httpd-<version>.rpm" to install the RPM binary.
- 5). Type "exit" to exit the root session.
- 1). Download the latest Windows installer package from the Apache website.
- 2). Double click the downloaded file to start the install process.
- 3). Provide your network domain, server name and administrator's email address at the "Server Information" prompt.
- 4). Select "For for All Users, on Port 80, as a Service -- Recommended" to run the software as a service.
- 5). Select "Typical" to install the software with the default setup.
Unix Source Code
RPM Binaries
Windows Binary