Inside the Oscars-Nominee RYAN GOSLING"S Aura
All the Academy Awards nominees for Best Actor have given outstanding performances...
on the surface.
They spoke their lines believably, developed an interesting character, got the voice, the walk, the look.
Perhaps most extraordinary, these superb actors received direction with enough objectivity to improve a character's portrayal, rather than destroying it.
No wonder the Oscar nominees are so greatly admired.
Yet only a tiny minority of them have gone all the way, changing their CHAKRAS.
This takes the greatest talent, and a rare kind of courage.
What it is like to shift that deep, playing a part? Nothing within you feels the same.
Imagine a length of beige cloth that you are dying green.
Most people would be satisfied with a cloth that looks green.
But say that you will not be satisfied with some simple dunk in the vat.
You find a way to do the ultimate transformation.
Consequently, the cloth changes so completely that if you held the most powerful microscope in the world up that cloth, the most minute fibers would glow bright green.
Well, okay, here is something easier to imagine: What happens when an aura reader like me turns movie critic? I can read the deepest possible shifts within an actor.
I'll do that here, with an in-depth critique of Ryan Gosling 's performance in "Half Nelson.
" (If you would like to receive links to the photos I used in this article, email me via my website.
) Since I can read auras from regular photographs (and could teach you to do the same, incidentally), it is easy to compare the aura of an actor just being himself to his still shot from the movie, where he is in character.
Did I see this movie? No.
All I know is that his character is dealing with a drug problem.
Reading from photos, I asked this question: Who could transform all the way? Here is what I found about Ryan in this movie: Root chakra--How his personality projects when he enters a room As himself: Stubborn, high testosterone, intellectual to a degree that could be considered severe, exacting about himself and others.
In the movie: Pretty much the same as in regular life, except that he has turned up his charisma a bit.
Therefore, this does not count as a significant change of aura.
Sex chakra--What would he be like as a lover? As himself: Studly...
and he knows it.
Ryan sports that oversized amount of sex appeal one often finds in movie stars and politicians.
This aspect of his aura is so huge, when he enters a room, the sexual intensity almost precedes him.
In the movie: Very appealing.
If I were single, I would date him! Although sexy, he reserves that sexiness for his special woman, not flaunting.
Also, he seems both earthy and loveable.
Yes, this is a complete change of aura.
Solar plexus chakra--Handling power, what is his pattern at the time of this photo? As himself: His power comes from his intellect.
That mighty brain is his pride and joy, also where he pays most of attention in everyday life.
His motto could be, "When I understand it, I control it.
And I can understand anything if I try.
" In the movie: Very similar to what Ryan is like in everyday life, the only difference is that this guy is deep down NOT confident that he can figure out things in his life.
A slight but effective change of aura.
Still, remember that any change to a chakra is really significant.
Most actors do not manage this at all.
Heart chakra--How does he handle emotions? As himself: A bit aloof, Ryan is constantly studying people and translating what he learns about them (intellectually) into his own experience.
This is a person, and actor, who emphasizes his own emotions in life.
Detachment from his own feelings is the key to his process in choosing an emotion to portray, then projecting it powerfully.
In the movie: Lonely, discouraged, he feels very lost.
Consider this a complete change of aura.
Ryan has used the previously mentioned self-awareness, turning up the intensity in a very powerful way.
Communication chakra--Truthfulness? Talent? What shows here? As himself: Truthfulness as a communicator is not an interesting consideration to Ryan.
He has studied so many ways to shape and modulate his experience, truthfulness seems completely situational.
Like a coiled spring, Ryan's ability to communicate is small when not performing.
But the bigger the audience, the greater the intensity available to him.
In the movie: He lives a secret life, hiding from others.
The shame is enormous.
This is a complete change of aura, and very powerfully done.
Spirituality chakra--How does he connect to God? As himself: Spiritual connection is not a growth area for Ryan at this time.
Whether or not he is involved in organized religion, it fails to influence his inner life significantly.
He figures things out for himself, uses his own strength.
In the movie: No aura change shows whatsoever.
Soul expression chakra--Deep down, how does this person feel as a human being? As himself: Pursuing his own personal happiness, needs, and choices comes naturally to Ryan, which makes him a terrific role model at this chakra.
In the movie: He is being destroyed from the inside out.
Not only does he not express his soul in life but he is going through the auric version of hell.
Count this as a complete change in aura.
Summary: This is a courageous and powerful performance.
Ryan has targeted several databanks to change: Communication, heart, and soul expression are foremost.
All these changes are consistent, creating a simple, high-impact, transformation of his aura.
I also give any actor credit for being willing to put himself through misery at this intimate degree, and with such intensity.
It is worth noting that if Ryan's character really has a drug problem, it would stick out all over his aura.
Nothing of the kind is shown here.
It would take truly colossal courage and ingenuity for an actor to shift his aura into the experience of being drugged out.
Although I have seen a few performances where a character was supposed to be drunk and pulled it off, I cannot recall a single performance where an actor created the existential-and-spiritual weirdness of being on drugs.
(Of course, one of the advantages of reading auras of people in everyday life is that you can accurately tell if someone does have a substance abuse problem.
on the surface.
They spoke their lines believably, developed an interesting character, got the voice, the walk, the look.
Perhaps most extraordinary, these superb actors received direction with enough objectivity to improve a character's portrayal, rather than destroying it.
No wonder the Oscar nominees are so greatly admired.
Yet only a tiny minority of them have gone all the way, changing their CHAKRAS.
This takes the greatest talent, and a rare kind of courage.
What it is like to shift that deep, playing a part? Nothing within you feels the same.
Imagine a length of beige cloth that you are dying green.
Most people would be satisfied with a cloth that looks green.
But say that you will not be satisfied with some simple dunk in the vat.
You find a way to do the ultimate transformation.
Consequently, the cloth changes so completely that if you held the most powerful microscope in the world up that cloth, the most minute fibers would glow bright green.
Well, okay, here is something easier to imagine: What happens when an aura reader like me turns movie critic? I can read the deepest possible shifts within an actor.
I'll do that here, with an in-depth critique of Ryan Gosling 's performance in "Half Nelson.
" (If you would like to receive links to the photos I used in this article, email me via my website.
) Since I can read auras from regular photographs (and could teach you to do the same, incidentally), it is easy to compare the aura of an actor just being himself to his still shot from the movie, where he is in character.
Did I see this movie? No.
All I know is that his character is dealing with a drug problem.
Reading from photos, I asked this question: Who could transform all the way? Here is what I found about Ryan in this movie: Root chakra--How his personality projects when he enters a room As himself: Stubborn, high testosterone, intellectual to a degree that could be considered severe, exacting about himself and others.
In the movie: Pretty much the same as in regular life, except that he has turned up his charisma a bit.
Therefore, this does not count as a significant change of aura.
Sex chakra--What would he be like as a lover? As himself: Studly...
and he knows it.
Ryan sports that oversized amount of sex appeal one often finds in movie stars and politicians.
This aspect of his aura is so huge, when he enters a room, the sexual intensity almost precedes him.
In the movie: Very appealing.
If I were single, I would date him! Although sexy, he reserves that sexiness for his special woman, not flaunting.
Also, he seems both earthy and loveable.
Yes, this is a complete change of aura.
Solar plexus chakra--Handling power, what is his pattern at the time of this photo? As himself: His power comes from his intellect.
That mighty brain is his pride and joy, also where he pays most of attention in everyday life.
His motto could be, "When I understand it, I control it.
And I can understand anything if I try.
" In the movie: Very similar to what Ryan is like in everyday life, the only difference is that this guy is deep down NOT confident that he can figure out things in his life.
A slight but effective change of aura.
Still, remember that any change to a chakra is really significant.
Most actors do not manage this at all.
Heart chakra--How does he handle emotions? As himself: A bit aloof, Ryan is constantly studying people and translating what he learns about them (intellectually) into his own experience.
This is a person, and actor, who emphasizes his own emotions in life.
Detachment from his own feelings is the key to his process in choosing an emotion to portray, then projecting it powerfully.
In the movie: Lonely, discouraged, he feels very lost.
Consider this a complete change of aura.
Ryan has used the previously mentioned self-awareness, turning up the intensity in a very powerful way.
Communication chakra--Truthfulness? Talent? What shows here? As himself: Truthfulness as a communicator is not an interesting consideration to Ryan.
He has studied so many ways to shape and modulate his experience, truthfulness seems completely situational.
Like a coiled spring, Ryan's ability to communicate is small when not performing.
But the bigger the audience, the greater the intensity available to him.
In the movie: He lives a secret life, hiding from others.
The shame is enormous.
This is a complete change of aura, and very powerfully done.
Spirituality chakra--How does he connect to God? As himself: Spiritual connection is not a growth area for Ryan at this time.
Whether or not he is involved in organized religion, it fails to influence his inner life significantly.
He figures things out for himself, uses his own strength.
In the movie: No aura change shows whatsoever.
Soul expression chakra--Deep down, how does this person feel as a human being? As himself: Pursuing his own personal happiness, needs, and choices comes naturally to Ryan, which makes him a terrific role model at this chakra.
In the movie: He is being destroyed from the inside out.
Not only does he not express his soul in life but he is going through the auric version of hell.
Count this as a complete change in aura.
Summary: This is a courageous and powerful performance.
Ryan has targeted several databanks to change: Communication, heart, and soul expression are foremost.
All these changes are consistent, creating a simple, high-impact, transformation of his aura.
I also give any actor credit for being willing to put himself through misery at this intimate degree, and with such intensity.
It is worth noting that if Ryan's character really has a drug problem, it would stick out all over his aura.
Nothing of the kind is shown here.
It would take truly colossal courage and ingenuity for an actor to shift his aura into the experience of being drugged out.
Although I have seen a few performances where a character was supposed to be drunk and pulled it off, I cannot recall a single performance where an actor created the existential-and-spiritual weirdness of being on drugs.
(Of course, one of the advantages of reading auras of people in everyday life is that you can accurately tell if someone does have a substance abuse problem.