Most Successful Diet Supplements
- Amino acids are a must for anyone seriously making a run at achieving a lean, healthy physique. Amino acids occur naturally in both the body and in food, and are necessary for proper health. In the context of amino acids and dieting, according to a 1996 study in the "American Journal of Physiology," consuming amino acids before and during your training session can help you maintain strength and lean mass even while in a caloric deficit. Conserving lean mass is important, as it contributes heavily to your resting metabolic rate. In essence, the more lean mass you carry, the more calories you burn even while standing around doing nothing. To benefit from amino acids, consume 5 to 10g before your workout, then another 20 to 40g in several doses during your exercise session.
- Creatine is another staple supplement that should be consumed by anyone who is exercising while in a caloric deficit. Creatine supplementation will allow your body to work harder and for longer, even while on a diet. This, in turn, will also "convince" your body to retain more lean mass while you diet, keeping your metabolism running at full steam. Additionally, creatine pulls water into the muscle cell, keeping your muscles full even while on a diuretic approach such as a low-carb diet. The increase in intramuscular pressure caused by the water-retaining effects of creatine can also help to keep the body in an anabolic (muscle building, as opposed to a muscle wasting) state. Consume 5g of creatine a day to elicit positive effects while you are dieting.
- Omega-3 fats from fish oil are another powerful tool you can use while on a diet to boost your results. A 2007 study published in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" found that omega-3 supplementation in conjunction with a cardiovascular-exercise program significantly benefited fat loss, more so than exercise alone. Take at least 10 to 15g of fish oil daily while dieting to experience similar benefits.
- Although none of these items are the supplements you might hear about on television or read about in popular magazines, these are the real keys to boosting your results while dieting. Furthermore, all these items are fairly light on the wallet as well. So while your friends and co-workers are wasting time and money chasing after the newest fat-burning "miracle pill," you will know enough to stick to the science-proven essentials, reaching your ideal physique both quickly and with cash to spare.
Amino Acids
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