Did Jesus Ever Get Angry?
The leaders of the Jews knew about this and let them do it. No doubt Jesus had seen them doing this many times, since He had been coming to Jerusalem every year from the time He was twelve as the men of the Israelites were commanded to do.
This time when He came into the temple, He had made a little whip of cords or rushes. He used this whip to drive all the animals out of the temple. He poured out all the money and turned the tables upside down. Then He said to the men, "Take these things out of here. Do not make My Father's house a market for buying and selling. It is to be a house of worship and prayer."
The Jews were very much excited and very angry about this. They said to Him, "What right have you to do this? Who are you? Show us your authority or by what right you do this." Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple and I will raise it up in three days." The Jews thought He was speaking of the building in which they were then and they said, "Why, it took forty-six years to build this temple. Who do you think you are that you can build it in three days?"
Jesus was not speaking of the temple building. He was speaking of His body, and thinking about the time when the Jews would put Him to death and He would rise again in three days. The Jews could not understand what He meant, and they did not believe Him. But many people did believe and follow Him. He was showing them that He had authority from God to act as a King.
The kingdom over which the Lord Jesus now rules is in the hearts of men and women and children. Because everyone in the world is born with sinful hearts like those of our first parents Adam and Eve, we like to rule our hearts ourselves. When we see this is wrong and turn to Jesus, He does something wonderful for us, just as He turned the water into wine. He changes our naughty hearts into hearts that want to live for Him and please Him. He Himself comes in to be King and rule our hearts.
When Jesus comes in to rule, He cleans up all the dirty corners just as He cleansed the temple of all the things that were wrong. Lying, cheating, selfishness, envy, hatred, disobeying and many other things belong to the kingdom of darkness and must go out when the Lord Jesus comes in as King. Will you tell the Saviour now that you want Him to be King and cast all the dark things out of your life? Ask Him for forgiveness for all the wrong things you have done. Repent and be baptized and you will be given the gift of eternal life.
Julia Shipley is a committed Christian worshiping and serving in her local church. She has a heart for the young children and the youth believing the word of God is the final authority. For more information visit http://www.quick-christian-resources.com