A Diabetic Gentleman Who Strimmed His Way to DKA
A Diabetic Gentleman Who Strimmed His Way to DKA
A healthy, active 75 year-old man, diagnosed with diabetes nearly 37 years earlier, presented with his first episode of DKA. He lived alone and for the previous two days, due to non-specific weakness and pain – particularly in the hip region – had been confined to bed and unable to access food, fluid or insulin. A detailed history and careful scrutiny of investigational images permitted diagnosis of acetabular fractures.
A healthy, active 75 year-old man, diagnosed with diabetes nearly 37 years earlier, presented with his first episode of DKA. He lived alone and for the previous two days, due to non-specific weakness and pain – particularly in the hip region – had been confined to bed and unable to access food, fluid or insulin. A detailed history and careful scrutiny of investigational images permitted diagnosis of acetabular fractures.