The Tree of Knowledge 3.0

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In the beginning, God (a benevolent dictator) created an idyllic garden for Adam and Eve.
He wanted them to be safe and happy forever.
He warned them not to eat of the tree of knowledge (milepost 1.
0) because it contained the knowledge of good and evil.
They ate the apple and gained knowledge.
He expelled them from the garden of Eden because that was His law.
The benevolent dictatorship ended.
Adam and Eve and all of their offspring were subjected to the never-ending conflict between good and evil.
Time passed and Tribalism evolved into Feudalism as the primary form of government.
That was up until about 570 years ago when Johann Gutenberg perfected the printing press and moved us to the next milepost, The Tree of Knowledge 2.
His invention made possible the mass availability of the Bible thereby spreading knowledge of good and evil.
Other books were also made available that resulted in new ways of thinking and new forms of government including Marxism, Socialism, Fascism and our own representative democracy.
The level and complexity of the conflict between good and evil escalated.
Today, with personal computers and the Internet we have arrived at The Tree of Knowledge 3.
First, look at what is happening on the web.
There are about 1.
5 billion users on the internet and it is reported to be growing about 18% per year.
Statistics vary, but there are over 100 million blogs online and over 77% of internet users read blogs.
Today it takes less than 5 minutes and no financial investment to start a blog.
In Gutenberg's time, printing a book was faster than transcribing but still very time consuming and the number of different books published was limited.
Today publishing on line is cheap and fast.
It is available to the world at the push of a button because distribution is "digital.
" This truly is The Tree of Knowledge 3.
0 and with it, I fear we have ratcheted up the level and complexity of the conflict between good and evil.
It didn't happen overnight.
It needed the computer, the internet and the technology of Blogger and Word Press to make it possible.
It is being promoted via Social Networking technology such as Twitter, Technorati and others to come.
The truth is, we are still on the leading edge of this expansion.
If you don't think it is a Reformation, think again.
Look at what is happening around you.
Our world is changing very rapidly.
Old institutions like newspapers, magazines, the postal service, banking, Ford, General Motors and Chrysler are expiring right before our eyes while the new digital world is flourishing.
Even our governments locally and internationally are floundering and with good reason.
Socialism has failed every where it has been tried.
Representative Democracy is failing because politicians and citizens have learned they can vote benefits for themselves ignoring the good of the whole.
The one good thing here is we know that self interest works.
How we direct self interest in a positive direction is still to be determined.
The Tree of Knowledge 3.
0 is the milepost of the New Reformation.
Many governments including our own, are trying to prolong the life of the old institutions with bailouts and government regulations.
They will lose in this effort because the transformation is inevitable.
Our politicians don't get it either.
They try to prop up parties and failed solutions with the same old rhetoric.
While I can't predict the future, I am convinced that: Individual freedom and voice is more important to people than ever before.
Look at the the blogs, YouTube, Twitter, MySpace and the rest of the web.
Specialization drives us towards ever increasing fractionalization in our society.
We have moved from broadcasting with 3 major TV channels to narrow casting with 400 channels.
There is something to be said for James Surowiecki's "The Wisdom of Crowds".
Hold on tight, we are free falling into an incredibly new and important part of history!
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